Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Scalar projection

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Scalar projection

In mathematics, the scalar projection of a vector a on (or onto) a vector b , also known as the scalar resolute of a in the direction of b , is given by:


s = | a | cos θ = a b ^ ,

where the operator denotes a dot product, b ^ is the unit vector in the direction of b , | a | is the length of a , and θ is the angle between a and b .

The term scalar component refers sometimes to scalar projection, as, in Cartesian coordinates, the components of a vector are the scalar projections in the directions of the coordinate axes.

The scalar projection is a scalar, equal to the length of the orthogonal projection of a on b , with a negative sign if the projection has an opposite direction with respect to b .

Multiplying the scalar projection of a on b by b ^ converts it into the above-mentioned orthogonal projection, also called vector projection of a on b .

Definition based on angle θ

If the angle θ between a and b is known, the scalar projection of a on b can be computed using

s = | a | cos θ . ( s = | a 1 | in the figure)

Definition in terms of a and b

When θ is not known, the cosine of θ can be computed in terms of a and b , by the following property of the dot product a b :

a b | a | | b | = cos θ

By this property, the definition of the scalar projection s becomes:

s = | a 1 | = | a | cos θ = | a | a b | a | | b | = a b | b |


The scalar projection has a negative sign if 90 < θ 180 degrees. It coincides with the length of the corresponding vector projection if the angle is smaller than 90°. More exactly, if the vector projection is denoted a 1 and its length | a 1 | :

s = | a 1 | if 0 < θ 90 degrees, s = | a 1 | if 90 < θ 180 degrees.


Scalar projection Wikipedia

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