Rahul Sharma (Editor)

San Miguel Department (El Salvador)

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Time zone

2,077 km²

Created(given current status)

Area rank
Ranked 2nd

ISO 3166 code
San Miguel Department (El Salvador) httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Points of interest
Turicentro Altos de La Cueva, Playa El Cuco, Museo Regional de Oriente, San Miguel, Cancha de Football

San Miguel is a department in the eastern part of El Salvador. The capital is San Miguel. The department is 2,077 km² in area and has a population of over 478,000.


Map of San Miguel Department, El Salvador

Before the Spanish conquest of El Salvador, the territory that now consists of the departments of San Miguel, La Unión and Morazán was the Lenca kingdom of Chaparrastique (Place of Beautiful Orchids).

San Miguel was first known as San Miguel de la Frontera. The city was founded by Luis de Moscoso on May 8, 1530, where it is now Santa Elena. On July 11, 1812 the city was given the title of "Noble y Leal Ciudad" (noble and loyal city). It was made a department on June 12, 1824.

It is the location of Ciudad Barrios, the birthplace of Archbishop Óscar Romero.


  1. Carolina
  2. Chapeltique
  3. Chinameca
  4. Chirilagua
  5. Ciudad Barrios
  6. Comacarán
  7. El Tránsito
  8. Lolotique
  9. Moncagua
  10. Nueva Guadalupe
  11. Nuevo Edén de San Juan
  12. Quelepa
  13. San Antonio
  14. San Gerardo
  15. San Jorge
  16. San Luis de la Reina
  17. San Miguel
  18. San Rafael
  19. Sesori
  20. Uluazapa


The products that are more cultivated are the basic grains, henequen and sugar cane, fruits, oleaginous seeds, mangrove, and grass. The upbringing of bovine, swinish, goat, and mule livestock exists and the upbringing of corral birds and of bees. Among the most important manufacturing, there is the elaboration of nutritious products, threads, yarns, drinks, cotton fabrics, clothes, leather articles, detergents, soaps, milk, and construction material.


There are a few beaches in the San Miguel department, for instance in El Cuco.


San Miguel Department (El Salvador) Wikipedia

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