Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Sabatina James

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Sabatina James


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1982 , 
Dhedar, Pakistan

Christian (Roman Catholicism)

My Fight for Faith and Freedom, Scharia in Deutschland: Wenn die Gesetze des Islam das Recht brechen

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Sabatina James, also Sabatina (1982 in Dhedar, Pakistan) is an Austrian-Pakistani author.


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Early life

Sabatina James About Sabatina eV Sabatina eV

Sabatina James lived until her tenth year as a Muslim with her family in the city of Dhadar, Pakistan until her family moved to Linz, Austria. Sabatina integrated and assimilated quickly into Austrian society. Her parents were unhappy with this since they understood Austria as a temporary residence. Since restrictions against their daughter were no longer effective, the family decided to send Sabatina to Lahore to marry her cousin. Her parents left her in Pakistan, where she was forced to go to a Madrasa. James consented initially into the marriage with her cousin in order to get back to Austria. Once in Austria, she refused to marry him. Her family threatened to kill her so she was forced into hiding and take on a new identity. This led to a break-up with the family.


Sabatina James About Sabatina eV Sabatina eV

She survived by sleeping in a shelter and working at a local café in Linz. Her parents harassed her at both places, showing up and ordering her to wed. James escaped to Vienna with the help of friends. There she started a new life, changing her name and converting to Catholicism. James wrote a book about this experience, and her parents sued for defamation. The court ruled in her favor. She was baptized in 2003, in a small Baroque church of a village priest, who was convinced of her inner conversion.


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James is an ambassador for the women's rights organization Terre des Femmes and is a convert to Catholicism. Since 2006 her organization has fought for the equality of Muslim women.


Sabatina James sabatinajamesonlythetruthmakesusfree3png

  • Sabatina. From Islam to Christianity – a death sentence, 2003
  • Thou shalt die for your happiness. Caught between two worlds, 2004
  • Tears wedding, 2006
  • My Fight for Faith and Freedom, 2010, ISBN 9781607477181
  • Only the truth makes us free: My Life between Islam and Christianity, Pattloch 12 September 2011, ISBN 3629023088
  • References

    Sabatina James Wikipedia

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