Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Robert Montague (Jamaican politician)

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Robert Montague

Jamaican politician

Robert Montague (Jamaican politician) wwwyardflexcomimagesrobertmontaguejpg

Sen robert montague chairman of the jamaica labour party celebrates the jlp s 71st anniversary

Robert Montague (born 1965) is a Jamaican politician with the Jamaica Labour Party. He comes from a political family; his father Asquith Nathaniel was a charter member of the JLP. He entered politics in 1990 as a councillor for Carron Hall, Saint Mary Parish. He later became the mayor of Port Maria. In 2012, Opposition Leader Andrew Holness named him a member of the Senate of Jamaica. He is now the Minister of National Security in the Andrew Holness-led government after winning the Jamaican general election, 2016.


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Robert Montague (Jamaican politician) jisgovjmmediaRudySecurityofficialweb640x42


Robert Montague (Jamaican politician) Wikipedia

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