Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Robert Kuven

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Robert Kuven

Artwork of Robert Kuven, a German/French painter and watercolorist.

Hans Hartung , Pierre Soulages , Nicolas de Staël

Born 21 August 1901 (age 81), Strasbourg

25 April 1983 (aged 81), Strasbourg

Zodiac Sign

Robert Kuven (21 August 1901, Strasbourg – 25 April 1983, Strasbourg) was a German/French painter and watercolorist.


Artwork of Robert Kuven, a German/French painter and watercolorist.


Artwork of Robert Kuven, a German/French painter and watercolorist.

From childhood onwards Robert Kuven was fond of drawing, but his parents considered a career as an artist as risky. Initially, he pursued architectural training at the Ecole Nationale Technique d’Architecture de Strasbourg and subsequently practiced as an architect until 1926. He continued to draw and paint and made copies of great masters.

Artwork of Robert Kuven, a German/French painter and watercolorist.

He then attended the School of Decorative Arts in Cologne and then from 1927 to 1930 studied in Munich. Soon he moved to Paris and attended the Académie Julian, then continued studies in Germany. He returned to Strasbourg in 1932 and taught drawing at the École supérieure des arts décoratifs de Strasbourg. Throughout this period he madde several trips to other European countries. He stayed in Florence, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands and Spain. He also went to England to study Turner.

Artwork of Robert Kuven, a German/French painter and watercolorist.

He taught in Strasbourg until the War in 1939. In 1945 he returned and taught at the Lycée Kléber. In 1975, at the age of 74, he went travelling in Norway and the Nordic countries.

Personal life

Artwork of Robert Kuven, a German/French painter and watercolorist.

In 1932 he married Madeleine Simon. They had a daughter, Elisabeth. After a short illness, Robert Kuven died 23 April 1983. He is buried in the West Cemetery in Strasbourg.


Artwork of Robert Kuven, a German/French painter and watercolorist.

The Square Robert Kuven in Strasbourg is named in his honour.

Book illustrations

Artwork of Robert Kuven, a German/French painter and watercolorist.

  • Kuven, Robert (1935). Der Kreuzweg Christi. Bilder Von Küven, Robert. Begleitworte: Schwester Maria. 
  • Kuven, Robert (1949). Vues d'Alsace. Lithographies originales coloriées à la main. 
  • Lefftz, Joseph; Kuven, Robert (1954). Die Brunnen im Elsass. 
  • Barth, Médard; Kuven, Robert; Solveen, Henri (1958). Der Rebbau des Elsass und die Absatzgebiete seiner Weine : ein geschichtlicher Durchblick. 
  • Redslob, Robert; Kuven, Robert (1962). Ce que raconte l'Alsace. 
  • Straub, Karl Willy (1966). Erinnerungen an das Elsaß. Ein Zeitdokument (Mit einem Geleitwort von Paul Bertololy und acht Handzeichnungen von Robert Küven). 
  • Sättele, Karl (1968). Schnurren und seltsame Käuze vom Bodensee Mit Federzeichnungen von Robert Küven. 
  • Kuven, Robert (1970). Mont Sainte Odile. Aquarelles de R. Kuven, Strasbourg. 
  • Matzen, Raymond; Kuven, Robert (1976). Récits légendaires d'Alsace. 
  • Matzen, Raymond; Kuven, Robert (1977). Lithographies d'Alsace : méditations poétiques d'un aquarelliste alsacien, gerbes de poésies du Terroir. 
  • Zink, Georges; Matzen, Raymond; Gachet, Gérard; Kuven, Robert (1978). Sichelte = Moisson : poésies sundgoviennes. 
  • Kuven, Robert (1979). Dessins et aquarelles. 
  • Matzen, Raymond; Zink, Georges; Kuven, Robert (1980). Dichte isch bichte : Gedichte in Strassburger Mundart. 
  • Watercolours

    Artwork of Robert Kuven, a German/French painter and watercolorist.

  • Betschdorf
  • Jardins
  • La cour du cloître
  • La terrasse
  • La porte de Darstein
  • L'auberge du Kochersberg
  • Ostwald
  • Paysage de mine
  • Paysage des Vosges
  • Paysage et église
  • Paysage et maisons
  • Uttwiller
  • Niederaltdorf
  • Ottrot
  • Oils

  • Bouquet de fleurs
  • Jardin de l'Orangerie
  • Ferme alsacienne en pays de Hanau
  • Paysage
  • Paysage des Vosges
  • Portrait de femme
  • References

    Robert Kuven Wikipedia

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