Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Richard von Volkmann

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Richard Volkmann


Richard von Volkmann Richard von Volkmann 19301889 Springer

November 28, 1889, Jena, Germany

The Rusty Knight, and Other Tales from Germany, The Wish Ring, The Rusted Knight and Other Stories

Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Humboldt University of Berlin

Vom unsichtbaren Königreiche - Richard von Volkmann-Leander (Märchen zum Einschlafen)

Richard von Volkmann (17 August 1830 – 28 November 1889) was a prominent German surgeon and author of poetry and fiction.


Von der Königin, die keine Pfeffernüsse backen konnte... (Richard von Volkmann)


Richard von Volkmann httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

He was born in Leipzig on 17 August 1830, the son of physiologist A.W. Volkmann. Richard entered medical school in Berlin and graduated in 1854. In 1867 he was appointed Professor of Surgery and Director of the Surgical Clinic at Halle where he remained until retirement. He was one of the most prominent surgeons of his day. He died in Jena.


  • Performed the first excision of carcinoma of the rectum in 1878.
  • Described Volkmann's Ischaemic Contracture in 1881.
  • Devised a splint and a spoon which bear his name.
  • His treatment of articular tuberculosis heralded attempts at preventive surgery.
  • In 1894 he described three patients with scrotal cancer who worked with paraffin and tar.
  • He was an early supporter of Joseph Lister, and helped the introduction of antiseptic surgery throughout Germany.
  • He invented the surgical retractor, now known as the Volkmann Retractor.
  • Writings

    Richard von Volkmann Richard von Volkmann Springer

    He edited (1870–89) Beiträge zur Chirurgie, and contributed to Franz von Pitha and Theodor Billroth's Handbuch der Chirurgie a section on diseases of the locomotory organs (1865–72). He wrote Bemerkungen über einige vom Krebs zu trennende Geschwülste (1858).

    Richard von Volkmann Volkmann

    Under the pseudonym Richard Leander, he wrote:

  • Träumereien an französischen Kaminen (Reveries at French chimneys, 1871; 24th ed. 1894), a work for young people
  • Aus der Burschenzeit (From boyhood, 1876)
  • Gedichte (Poems, 3d ed. 1885)
  • Kleine Geschichten (Little stories, 2d ed. 1888)
  • Alte und neue Troubadourlieder (Old and new troubador songs, 2d ed. 1890)
  • References

    Richard von Volkmann Wikipedia

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