Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Raymond Aron

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Western Philosophy


Raymond Aron

French Liberalism

Dominique Schnapper

Raymond Aron contemporarythinkersorgraymondaronfiles20121

14 March 1905 (

October 17, 1983, Paris, France

Gustave Emile Aron, Suzanne Aron

The Opium of the Intellectuals, Democracy and Totalitarianism, Main Currents in Sociologi, Peace and War: A Theory of, Memoirs

Similar People
Jean‑Paul Sartre, Andre Glucksmann, Dominique Schnapper, Alexis de Tocqueville, Pierre Bourdieu

Ecole Normale Superieure

Dialogue entre michel foucault et raymond aron

Raymond Claude Ferdinand Aron ([ʁɛmɔ̃ aʁɔ̃]; 14 March 1905 – 17 October 1983) was a French philosopher, sociologist, political scientist, and journalist.


Raymond Aron Raymond Aron Craig Willy

He is best known for his 1955 book The Opium of the Intellectuals, the title of which inverts Karl Marx's claim that religion was the opium of the people – Aron argues that in post-war France, Marxism was the opium of the intellectuals. In the book, Aron chastised French intellectuals for what he described as their harsh criticism of capitalism and democracy and their simultaneous defense of Marxist oppression, atrocities, and intolerance. Critic Roger Kimball suggests that Opium is "a seminal book of the twentieth century." Aron is also known for his lifelong friendship, sometimes fractious, with philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre.

Raymond Aron Raymond Aron le dissident Contrepoints

He is also known for his 1973 book, The Imperial Republic: The United States and the World 1945-1973, which influenced Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger, among others.

Raymond Aron Guillaume Durocher quotThe Jew as Citizen Raymond Aron and

Aron wrote extensively on a wide range of other topics. Citing the breadth and quality of Aron's writings, historian James R. Garland suggests, "Though he may be little known in America, Raymond Aron arguably stood as the preeminent example of French intellectualism for much of the twentieth century."

Raymond Aron Guillaume Durocher quotThe Jew as Citizen Raymond Aron and

Raymond aron philosophie et histoire 1963 1 5

Life and career

Born in Paris, the son of a secular Jewish lawyer, Aron studied at the École Normale Supérieure, where he met Jean-Paul Sartre, who became his friend and lifelong intellectual opponent. He was a rational humanist, and a leader among those who did not embrace existentialism. Aron took first place in the agrégation of philosophy in 1928, the year Sartre failed the same exam. In 1930, he received a doctorate in the philosophy of history from the École Normale Supérieure.

He had been teaching social philosophy at the University of Toulouse for only a few weeks when World War II began; he joined the Armée de l'Air. When France was defeated, he left for London to join the Free French forces, editing the newspaper, France Libre (Free France).

When the war ended Aron returned to Paris to teach sociology at the École Nationale d'Administration and Sciences Po. From 1955 to 1968, he taught at the Sorbonne, and after 1970 at the Collège de France. In 1953, he befriended the young American philosopher Allan Bloom, who was teaching at the Sorbonne.

A lifelong journalist, Aron in 1947 became an influential columnist for Le Figaro, a position he held for thirty years until he joined L'Express, where he wrote a political column up to his death.

He was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1960.

Aron died of a heart attack in Paris on 17 October 1983.

Political commitment

In Berlin, Aron witnessed the rise to power of the Nazi Party, and developed an aversion to all totalitarian systems. In 1938 he participated in the Colloque Walter Lippmann in Paris.

Political thought

Aron is the author of books on Karl Marx and on Carl von Clausewitz. In Peace and War he set out a theory of international relations. He argues that Max Weber's claim that the State has a monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force does not apply to the relationship between States.

In the field of international relations, in the 1950s, Aron hypothesized that despite the advent of nuclear weapons, nations would still require conventional military forces. The usefulness of such forces would be made necessary by what he called a "nuclear taboo."


  • La Sociologie allemande contemporaine, Paris: Alcan, 1935; German Sociology, London: Heinemann, 1957
  • Introduction à la philosophie de l'histoire. Essai sur les limites de l'objectivité historique, Paris: Gallimard, 1938; Introduction to the Philosophy of History: An Essay on the Limits of Historical Objectivity, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1948
  • Essai sur la théorie de l'histoire dans l'Allemagne contemporaine. La philosophie critique de l'histoire, Paris: Vrin, 1938
  • L'Homme contre les tyrans, New York, Editions de la Maison française, 1944
  • De l'armistice à l'insurrection nationale, Paris: Gallimard, 1945
  • L'Âge des empires et l'Avenir de la France, Paris: Défense de la France, 1945
  • Le Grand Schisme, Paris: Gallimard, 1948
  • Les Guerres en Chaîne, Paris: Gallimard, 1951; The Century of Total War, London: Derek Verschayle, 1954
  • La Coexistence pacifique. Essai d'analyse, Paris: Editions Monde nouveau, 1953 (under the pseudonym François Houtisse, with Boris Souvarine)
  • L'Opium des intellectuels, Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1955; The Opium of the Intellectuals, London: Secker & Warburg, 1957
  • Polémiques, Paris: Gallimard, 1955
  • La Tragédie algérienne, Paris: Plon, 1957
  • Espoir et peur du siècle. Essais non partisans, Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1957
  • L'Algérie et la République, Paris: Plon, 1958
  • La Société industrielle et la Guerre, suivi d'un Tableau de la diplomatie mondiale en 1958, Paris: Plon, 1959
  • Immuable et changeante. De la IVe à la Ve République, Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1959
  • Introduction. Classes et conflits de classes dans la société industrielle (Ralph Dahrendorf), Paris: Mouton Éditeur, 1959
  • Dimensions de la conscience historique, Paris: Plon, 1961
  • Paix et guerre entre les nations, Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1962; Peace and War, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1966
  • Le Grand Débat. Initiation à la stratégie atomique, Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1963
  • Dix-huit leçons sur la société industrielle, Paris: Gallimard, 1963; Eighteen Lectures on Industrial Society, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1967
  • La Lutte des classes, Paris: Gallimard, 1964
  • Essai sur les libertés, Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1965
  • Démocratie et totalitarisme, 1965
  • Trois essais sur l'âge industriel, Paris: Plon, 1966; The Industrial Society. Three Essays on Ideology and Development, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1967
  • Les Étapes de la pensée sociologique, Paris: Gallimard, 1967; Main Currents in Sociological Thought, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1965
  • De Gaulle, Israël et les Juifs, Paris: Plon, 1968
  • La Révolution introuvable. Réflexions sur les événements de mai, Paris: Fayard, 1968
  • Les Désillusions du progrès, Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1969; Progress and Disillusion: The Dialectics of Modern Society, Pall Mall Press, 1968
  • D'une sainte famille à l'autre. Essai sur le marxisme imaginaire, Paris: Gallimard, 1969
  • De la condition historique du sociologue, Paris: Gallimard, 1971
  • Études politiques, Paris: Gallimard, 1972
  • République impériale. Les États-unis dans le monde (1945–1972), Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1973; The Imperial Republic: The United States and the World 19451973, Little Brown & Company 1974
  • Histoire et dialectique de la violence, Paris: Gallimard, 1973; History and the Dialectic of Violence: Analysis of Sartre's Critique de la raison dialectique, Oxford: Blackwell, 1979
  • Penser la guerre, Clausewitz, Paris: Gallimard, 1976; Clausewitz: Philosopher of War, London: Routledge, 1983
  • Plaidoyer pour l'Europe décadente, Paris: Laffont, 1977; In Defense of Decadent Europe, South Bend IN: Regnery, 1977
  • with Andre Glucksman and Benny Levy. "Sartre's Errors: A Discussion". TELOS 44 (Summer 1980). New York: Telos Press
  • Le Spectateur engagé, Paris: Julliard, 1981 (interviews)
  • Mémoires, Paris: Julliard, 1983
  • Les dernières années du siècle, Paris: Julliard, 1984
  • Ueber Deutschland und den Nationalsozialismus. Fruehe politische Schriften 1930–1939, Joachim Stark, ed. and pref., Opladen: Leske & Budrich, 1993
  • Le Marxisme de Marx, Paris: Éditions de Fallois, 2002
  • De Giscard à Mitterrand: 1977–1983 (editorials from L'Express), with preface by Jean-Claude Casanova, Paris: Éditions de Fallois, 2005
  • Other media

  • Raymond Aron, spectateur engagé. Entretiens avec Raymond Aron. (Duration: 160 mins.), DVD, Éditions Montparnasse, 2005
  • References

    Raymond Aron Wikipedia

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