Trisha Shetty (Editor)


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Place of origin
Great Britain

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Main ingredients
Moin moin, Jollof rice, Efo riro, Ogbono soup, Potage

How to make medieval pottage

Pottage is a thick soup or stew made by boiling vegetables, grains, and, if available, meat or fish.


It was a staple food from neolithic times to the Middle Ages. The word pottage comes from the same Old French root as potage, which is a similar type of dish of more recent origin.

Pottage Roman Lentil Casserole Pottage recipe Cookit

Pottage commonly consisted of various ingredients easily available to serfs and peasants and could be kept over the fire for a period of days, during which time some of it was eaten and more ingredients added. The result was a dish that was constantly changing. Pottage consistently remained a staple of the poor's diet throughout most of 9th to 17th-century Europe. When people of higher economic rank, such as nobles, ate pottage, they would add more expensive ingredients such as meats. The pottage that these people ate was much like modern day soups. This is similar to the Welsh cawl, which is a broth, soup or stew often cooked on and off for days at a time over the fire in a traditional inglenook.

Pottage Pottage a vegetable soup recipe Cookit

In Nigeria the words pottage and porridge are synonymous, and it is consumed as a main meal. Nigerian yam pottage/porridge includes tomatoes and other culinary vegetables along with the yam. It may also have fish and/or other meat.

Pottage eatchickenpottage

Pottage boiled bacon inspiration medieval peasant meal


Pottage Plantain and Sweet Potato Pottage Porridge

Pottage was typically boiled for several hours until the entire mixture took on a homogeneous texture and flavour; this was intended to break down complex starches and to ensure the food was safe for consumption. It was often served, when possible, with bread.

Pottage How To Make Medieval Pottage Recipe Ingredients

Pottage Cooking with the Bible Esau39s Pottage


Pottage Wikipedia

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