Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Pigs in blankets

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Main ingredients

Main ingredient
Hot dog

Pigs in blankets 16x Pigs in Blankets

hotdogs wrapped in bread

wrapped in bacon, filled with cheese, pancake wrap

Hot dog, Devils on horseback, Chipolata, Sausage roll, Hors d'oeuvre

Pigs in blankets recipe using pillsbury crescent rolls

Pigs in blankets (or pigs in a blanket) refers to a variety of different sausage-based foods in the United States, United Kingdom, Denmark, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Russia, Canada, and Japan. Many are large, but other recipes call for a dish that is small in size and can be eaten in one or two bites. For this reason, they are usually served as an appetizer or hors d'oeuvre or are accompanied by other dishes in the 'main course' section of a meal. In the West, especially in the United States and Canada, the bite-sized variety of pig in a blanket is a common hors d'oeuvre served at cocktail parties and is often accompanied by a mustard or aioli dipping sauce.


Pigs in blankets Pigs In BlanketsBacon And Sausage Rolls For Christmas Trimmings

Pigs in a blanket are usually different from sausage rolls, which are a larger, more filling item served for breakfast and lunch in parts of Europe, Australia, and, more rarely, the United States and Canada.

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United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, "pigs in blankets" refers to small sausages (usually chipolatas) wrapped in bacon. They are a traditional accompaniment to roast turkey for Christmas dinner. Pigs in blankets can be accompanied with devils on horseback, an appetizer of prunes wrapped in bacon.

United States

Pigs in blankets BBC Food Recipes Pigs in blankets

In the United States, the term "pigs in a blanket" typically refers to hot dogs in croissant rolls, but may include Vienna sausages, cocktail or breakfast/link sausages wrapped in biscuit dough, pancake, or croissant dough, and baked. The dough is sometimes homemade, but canned dough is most common. They are somewhat similar to a sausage roll or (by extension) a baked corn dog. The larger variety is served as a quick and easy main course or light meal (particularly for children) while the smaller version is served as an appetizer. At breakfast or brunch, the term "pigs in a blanket" often refers to sausage links with pancake wrapped around it.


The name can also refer to klobasnek. The German Würstchen im Schlafrock ("sausage in a dressing gown") uses sausages wrapped in puff pastry or, more rarely, pancakes. Cheese and bacon are sometimes present.

In Russia this dish is named Сосиска в тесте (Sosiska v teste, "sausage in dough").

In Israel Moshe Ba'Teiva (Moses in the ark) is a children's dish consisting of a hot dog rolled in a ketchup-covered sheet of puff pastry or phyllo dough and baked.

In Denmark there is a dish similar to the British-style dish known as the Pølse i svøb, which means "sausage in blanket", usually sold at hot dog stands known as pølsevogn (sausage-wagons). The American-style pigs in a blanket are known as Pølsehorn, meaning "Sausage horns".

In Finland pigs in blanket are known as nakkipiilo, which means "hidden sausage" if it is translated freely.

In Mexico the sausage is wrapped in a tortilla and deep fried in vegetable oil. The name "salchitaco" comes from the fusion of the words salchicha (sausage) and taco (sausage taco).

In both Australia and New Zealand, pig in a blanket is a cocktail frankfurter wrapped in bacon and/or puff pastry.

In China, a Chinese sausage wrapped in pastry is called "Lap Cheong Bao" and is steamed rather than baked.

In Hong Kong, a hot dog wrapped in pastry is called "Cheong Zai Bao" or "Hot Dog Bun" and is baked.

In Estonia, they are referred to as "viineripirukas", which means sausage pastry.

In Serbia, the dish has a name "rol viršla", lit. (hot) dog roll. Rol viršla is a very popular type of fast food in Serbia.


Pigs in blankets Wikipedia

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