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Pierre de Marivaux

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Pierre Marivaux

Romantic comedy


Pierre de Marivaux Quotes by Pierre de Marivaux Like Success
4 February 1688Paris, Kingdom of France (

February 12, 1763, Paris, France

La Vie de Marianne, La Fausse Suivante

The Triumph of Love, Que D'amour

Marie-Anne Bullet, Nicolas Carlet

The Game of Love and Chan, L'Ile des esclaves, Double Inconstancy, Les Fausses Confidences, La Dispute

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Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux (4 February 1688 – 12 February 1763), commonly referred to as Marivaux, was a French novelist and dramatist.


Pierre de Marivaux httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

He is considered one of the most important French playwrights of the 18th century, writing numerous comedies for the Comedie-Francaise and the Comedie-Italienne of Paris. His most important works are Le Triomphe de l'amour, Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard and Les Fausses Confidences. He also published a number of essays and two important but unfinished novels, La Vie de Marianne and Le Paysan parvenu.

Pierre de Marivaux Pierre de Marivaux Book Authors


Pierre de Marivaux Portrait of Pierre Carlet de Chamblain d Louis Michel

His father was a Norman financier whose real name was Carlet, but who assumed the surname of Chamblain, and then that of Marivaux. He brought up his family in Limoges and Riom, in the province of Auvergne, where he directed the mint.

Pierre de Marivaux Edicin de quotLa isla de los esclavos Pierre de Marivaux

Marivaux is said to have written his first play, the Pere prudent et equitable, when he was only eighteen, but it was not published till 1712, when he was twenty-four. However, the young Marivaux concentrated more on writing novels than plays. In the three years from 1713 to 1715 he produced three novels – Effets surprenants de la sympathie; La Voiture embourbee, and a book which had three titles – Pharsamon, Les Folies romanesques, and Le Don Quichotte moderne. These books are very different from his later, more famous pieces: they are inspired by Spanish romances and the heroic novels of the preceding century, with a certain mixture of the marvelous.

Then Marivaux's literary ardour took a new phase. He parodied Homer to serve the cause of Antoine Houdar de La Motte, (1672–1731) an ingenious paradoxer; Marivaux had already done something similar for Francois Fenelon, whose Telemachus he parodied and updated as Le Telemaque travesti (written in 1714 but not published until 1736). His friendship with Antoine Houdar de La Motte introduced him to the Mercure, the chief newspaper of France, and he started writing articles for it in 1717. His work was noted for its keen observation and literary skill. His work showed the first signs of "marivaudage," which now signifies the flirtatious bantering tone characteristic of Marivaux's dialogues. In 1742 he became acquainted with the then unknown Jean-Jacques Rousseau helping him revise a play Narcissus though it wasn't produced till long afterwards.

Marivaux is reputed to have been a witty conversationalist, with a somewhat contradictory personality. He was extremely good-natured, but fond of saying very severe things, unhesitating in his acceptance of favours (he drew a regular annuity from Claude Adrien Helvetius), but exceedingly touchy if he thought himself in any way slighted. He was, though a great cultivator of sensibility and unsparingly criticized the rising philosophes. Perhaps for this reason, Voltaire became his enemy and often disparaged him. Marivaux' friends included Helvetius, Claudine Guerin de Tencin, Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle and even Madame de Pompadour (who allegedly provided him with a pension). Marivaux had one daughter, who became a nun; the duke of Orleans, the regent's successor, furnished her with her dowry.

Literary career

The early 1720s were very important for Marivaux; he wrote a comedy (now mostly lost) called L'Amour et la verite, another comedy, Arlequin poli par l'amour, and an unsuccessful tragedy, Annibal (printed 1737). In about 1721, he married a Mlle Martin, but she died shortly thereafter. Meanwhile, he lost all of his inheritance money when he invested it in the Mississippi scheme. His pen now became almost his sole resource.

Marivaux had a connection with both the fashionable theatres: Annibal had played at the Comedie Francaise and Arlequin poli at the Comedie Italienne. He also endeavoured to start a weekly newspaper, the Spectateur Francais, to which he was the sole contributor. But his irregular work ethic killed the paper after less than two years. Thus, for nearly twenty years the theatre, especially the Comedie Italienne, was Marivaux's chief support. His plays were well received by the actors of the Comedie Francaise, but were rarely successful there.

Marivaux wrote between 30 and 40 plays, the best of which are La Surprise de l'amour (1722), the Triomphe de Plutus (1728), Jeu de l'amour et du hasard (1730) (The Game of Love and Chance), Les Fausses confidences (1737), all produced at the Italian theatre, and Le Legs (1736), produced at the French. At intervals, he returned to journalism: a periodical publication called L'Indigent philosophe appeared in 1727, and another called Le Cabinet du philosophe in 1734. But the same causes which had proved fatal to the Spectateur prevented these later efforts from succeeding.

In 1731 Marivaux published the first two parts of his great novel, Marianne. The eleven parts appeared at intervals over the next eleven years, but the novel was never finished. In 1735 another novel, Le Paysan parvenu, was begun, but this also was left unfinished. Marivaux was elected a member of the Academie francaise in 1742. For the next twenty years, he contributed occasionally to the Mercure, wrote plays and reflections (which were seldom of much worth), and so forth. He died on 12 February 1763, aged seventy-five.


The so-called Marivaudage is the main point of importance about Marivaux's literary work, though the best of the comedies have great merits, and Marianne is an extremely important step in the development of the French novel. That, and Le Paysan parvenu, have some connection to the work of Samuel Richardson and Henry Fielding. In general, Marivaux's subject matter is the so-called "metaphysic of love-making." As Claude Prosper Jolyot Crebillon said, Marivaux's characters not only tell each other and the reader everything they have thought, but everything that they would like to persuade themselves that they have thought.

This style derives mainly from Fontenelle and the Precieuses, though there are traces of it even in Jean de La Bruyere. It abuses metaphor somewhat, and delights to turn off a metaphor in an unexpected and bizarre fashion. Sometimes a familiar phrase is used where dignified language would be expected; sometimes the reverse. Crebilllon also described Marivaux's style as an introduction of words to each other, which have never made acquaintance and which think that they will not get on together (this phrase is itself rather Marivaux-esque). This kind of writing, of course, recurs at several periods of literature, especially at the end of the 19th century. This fantastic embroidery of language has a certain charm, and suits the somewhat unreal gallantry and sensibility which it describes and exhibits. Marivaux possessed, moreover, both thought and observation, besides considerable command of pathos.

Journals and essays

  • 1717–1718: Lettres sur les habitants de Paris
  • Lettres contenant une aventure
  • Pensees sur differents sujets
  • 1721–1724: Le Spectateur francais
  • 1726: L'Indigent philosophe
  • 1734: Le Cabinet du philosophe
  • Novels

  • 1713–1714: Les Effets surprenants de la sympathie
  • 1714: La Voiture embourbee — an "improvised" novel (roman impromptu)
  • 1714: Le Bilboquet
  • 1714: Le Telemaque travesti
  • 1716–1717: L'Homere travesti ou L'Iliade en vers burlesques
  • 1737: Pharsamon ou Les Folies romanesques (Pharsamond, or the New Knight-Errand)
  • Unfinished novels

  • begun in 1727: La Vie de Marianne (The Life of Marianne)
  • begun in 1735: Le Paysan parvenu (The Upstart Peasant)
  • Adaptations

    Marivaux's play Le Triomphe de l'amour (1732) was filmed in English in 2001 as The Triumph of Love, starring Mira Sorvino, Ben Kingsley, and Fiona Shaw. It is, so far, the only one of Marivaux's plays ever to be filmed in English (there have been many French film and television adaptations of his plays). The film received modestly favourable reviews, but was not a box office success. A 1997 musical stage adaptation had a brief Broadway run.

    In the French film L'Esquive (2003), directed by Abdellatif Kechiche, Arab-French adolescents in a Paris suburb prepare and perform Marivaux's play Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard.


    Pierre de Marivaux Wikipedia

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