Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Parliament Street, Exeter

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Parliament Street is a 50-metre (160 ft) long street in the city of Exeter, Devon, England. It links the High Street to Waterbeer Street and dates from the 14th century. At about 0.64 metres (2 ft 1 in) at its narrowest and approximately 1.22 metres (4 ft 0 in) at its widest, it has been claimed to be the world's narrowest street, although this title actually belongs to the Spreuerhofstraße in Reutlingen, Germany.

Map of Parliament St, Exeter EX1 1AE, UK

It was formerly called Small Lane and was renamed when Parliament was derided by the city council for passing the 1832 Reform Bill. In 1836 the residents of Waterbeer Street subscribed £130 to have Parliament Street widened, but nothing was done about this.


Parliament Street, Exeter Wikipedia

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