Girish Mahajan (Editor)

One Eye Peak

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NTS 92J4

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Princess Louise Inlet, East of Queens Reach, New Westminster Land District

Princess Louisa Inlet , British Columbia, Canada

Middle Finger, Mount Arthur, Mount Frederick William, Little Ring Mountain, Mount Raleigh

One Eye Peak is a mountain located at Princess Louisa Inlet. One Eye Peak is part of the Pacific Ranges of the Coast Mountains in southwestern British Columbia, Canada. When Thomas F. Hamilton build his resort called the Malibu Club at the entrance of Princess Louisa Inlet he named the mountain after himself - Mt. Hamilton. The mountain is typically referred to by its English title of a Sechelt First Nation translation "TUHK-OHSS" referring to "Old One Eye" and is the protector of the inlet.


Map of One Eye Peak, Sunshine Coast A, BC, Canada

  • One Eye Peak Gallery
  • References

    One Eye Peak Wikipedia

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