Harman Patil (Editor)

Novena to Saint Michael

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Novena to Saint Michael

The Novena to Saint Michael is a Roman Catholic Novena prayed to Saint Michael the Archangel. Like all other Novenas it is prayed on nine consecutive days with a specific intention.


The Novena

Saint Michael the Archangel,loyal champion of God and His People.I turn to you with confidenceand seek your powerful intercession.For the love of God,Who made you so glorious in grace and power,and for the love of the Mother of Jesus, the Queen of the Angels,be pleased to hear our prayer.You know the value of our souls in the eyes of God.May no stain of evil ever disfigure its beauty.Help us to conquer the evil spirit who tempts us.We desire to imitate your loyalty to God and Holy Motherand your great love for God and people.And since you are God’s messenger for the care of His people,we entrust to you these special intentions:...specific intentions are stated here....Lord, hear and grant our special intentions for this Novena.Amen.

Second Novena

Glorious Saint Michael,guardian and defenderof the Church of Jesus Christ,come to the assistance of His followers,against whom the powers of hell are unchained.Guard with special care our Holy Father,the Pope, and our bishops, priests,all our religious and lay people,and especially the children.Saint Michael,watch over us during life,defend us against the assaults of the demon,and assist us especially at the hour of death.Help us achieve the happinessof beholding God face to facefor all eternity. Amen.Saint Michael,intercede for me with Godin all my necessities,especially.... "the intention is stated here"Obtain for me a favorable outcomein the matter I recommend to you.Mighty prince of the heavenly host,and victor over rebellious spirits,remember me for I am weak and sinfuland so prone to pride and ambition.Be for me, I pray,my powerful aid in temptation and difficulty,and above all do not forsake mein my last struggle with the powers of evil.Amen.


Novena to Saint Michael Wikipedia

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