Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

New Concept English

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Longman English grammar, First Things First: An Integrate, A first book in compreh, Sixty Steps to Précis: A New Appr, K's First Case

New concept english b01 a private conversation

Longman New Concept English by L. G. Alexander is a popular English language textbook teaching British rules of English. The course was first published on October 30, 1967. A later (1993) revised edition is also available.


The course consists of four components:

  • The Students' Book
  • The Teacher's Book
  • A set of cassettes, on which the multi-purpose texts have been recorded.
  • Another set of cassettes, on which Repetition drill in the Teacher's Book has been recorded.
  • book1 001

    Book 1: First Things First

    Introductory title with 146 lessons,72 for normal lessons and 74 for exercises.

    Book 2: Practice & Progress

    This book includes 100 lessons

    Book 3: Developing Skills

    At this level, there is less need for pattern control and contextualization. Now that the foundations have been laid, the student is in a position to cope with new sentence patterns as and when they occur. This book includes 60 lessons.

    Book 4: Fluency in English

    The materials were chosen from a variety of publications. Nine of the lessons were selected from The Listener. This volume book 48 lessons.


    New Concept English Wikipedia

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