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Neminatha httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Parshvanatha, Rishabhanatha, Naminatha, Mahavira, Haribhadra

22 stuti shree neminatha ki ft sunita jain

Neminatha (Devanagari: नेमिनाथ) was the twenty-second tirthankara (ford-maker) of the avasarpini (present descending cycle of Jain cosmology). According to Jain beliefs, he lived 84,000 years before the 23rd Tirthankara, Parshvanatha. His full name was Aristanemi, which is an epithet of the sun-chariot. He was the youngest son of King Samudravijaya and Queen Shivadevi, and the cousin of Krishna. He was born at Sauripura (Dvaraka) in the Harivamsa clan. His birth date is the 5th day of Shravana Shukla in the Hindu calendar. He became a Siddha, a liberated soul which has destroyed all of its karma.


Part 18 sri neminatha swami panchakalyanam mahabishekam 1 23 5 10 wmv


Neminatha was the twenty-second tirthankara (ford-maker) of the avasarpini (present descending cycle of Jain cosmology). According to Jain beliefs, he lived 84,000 years before the 23rd Tirthankara, Parshvanatha. His full name was Aristanemi which is an epithet of the sun-chariot. He was the youngest son of King Samudravijaya and Queen Shivadevi, and the cousin brother of Krishna.(As per Jain Scriptures, Not mentioned in Bhagvat and other Hindu scriptures). He was born at Sauripura (Dvaraka) in the Harivamsa clan and belonged to Saurashtra region of Gujarat. His birth date is the 5th day of Shravana Shukla in the Hindu calendar.

Neminatha was a very handsome but a shy young man. On being taunted by Satyabhama, the wife of Krishna, Neminatha blew Panchajanya, the mighty counch of Krishna. It was believed that no one could lift this "jewel" except Krishna, let alone blow it. After this event, Krishna decided to test Neminatha's strength and challenged him for a ("friendly") duel. Neminatha, being a Tirthankara, defeated Krishna without any effort. In the war between Krishna and Jarasandha, Neminatha participated alongside Krishna.

Neminatha's marriage was arranged with Rajulakumari or Rajimati, the daughter of King Ugrasena of Gujarat. On being informed about the slaughter of animals for his wedding procession, he gave up the idea of getting married, became monk and went to Mount Girnar for penance. His bride-to-be followed him, became a nun and joined the ascetic order. After a life of about 1,000 years, he is said to have attained Moksha from Mount Girnar.


Secular scholars accept the existence of Jainism as far back before BCE, but for Jains the story goes back much further than Parshvanatha. Jain texts mention the names of twenty-one Tirthankaras before him. Neminatha was the grandson of Andhakavrishni. Jains and some Hindus consider Neminatha to be the cousin of Krishna - the son of Samudravijaya, brother of Krishna's father Vasudeva.

In the Chandogya Upanishads, the sage Ghora Angirasa relates the life of a man to the Soma sacrifice, and the daksina (alms) to austerity, liberality, simplicity, non-violence and truthfulness. In the process, he contributes the first recorded mention of ahimsa in the sense of non-violent behaviour.

Alois Anton Führer declared Neminatha to be a historical figure based on the Mathura Jain antiquities. His images are also found dating back to Indo-Scythian period bearing his name in inscriptions.


  • The Jain traditions about Neminatha or Arishtanemi is incorporated in the Harivamsa Purana of Acharya Jinasena.
  • A palm leaf manuscript on the life of Neminatha, named Neminatha-Charitra, was written in 1198-1142 AD. It is now preserved in Shantinatha Bhandara, Khambhat.
  • Rajul's love for Neminatha is described in the Rajal-Barahmasa (an early 14th-century poem of Vijayachandrasuri).
  • The counch incident is given in Kalpa Sūtra.
  • Temples

  • Girnar Jain temples
  • Tirumalai (Jain complex)
  • Kulpakji
  • Arahanthgiri Jain Math
  • Nemgiri
  • Atishaya Kshetra Lunwa Jain Temple
  • Dilwara Temples
  • Neminath Jain Basti at Bandivade dated 1425 AD
  • References

    Neminatha Wikipedia

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