Sneha Girap (Editor)

Neil Bibby

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Neil Bibby

Member of Parliament

Scottish Labour Party

Neil Bibby httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

6 September 1983 (age 41) (

Political party
Scottish Labour Party

eye to eye neil bibby msp

Members' Business - Scottish Parliament: 2nd September 2015

Neil James Bibby (born 6 September 1983) is a Scottish Labour Co-operative politician. Bibby was elected to the Scottish Parliament in 2011 to represent the West of Scotland region, as the Labour Party returned three members from the list.


Neil Bibby Neil Bibby Wikipedia

Born in Paisley, Neil grew up in Renfrewshire and went to the University of Glasgow. Bibby had been Chair of Young Labour UK and Chair of Scottish Labour Students. In 2007 he was elected to Renfrewshire council in Johnstone North, Kilbarchan and Lochwinnoch ward. Before becoming elected to the Scottish Parliament he worked for Jim Murphy MP and Ken Macintosh MSP. He is currently the Scottish Labour Chief Whip and is a substitute member on the Welfare Reform Committee, as well as Co-Convenor of the Cross Party Group on Rail and the Deputy Convenor of the Cross Party Group on Visual Impairment.

Bibby is standing for the Paisley seat in the Scottish Parliament election, 2016.


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