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Minister of Justice (Hungary)

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Minister of Justice (Hungary)

The Minister of Justice of Hungary (Hungarian: Magyarország igazságügyi minisztere) is a member of the Hungarian cabinet and the head of the Ministry of Justice. The current justice minister is László Trócsányi.


The position was called People's Commissar of Justice (Hungarian: igazságügyi népbiztos) during the Hungarian Soviet Republic in 1919, Minister of Justice and Law Enforcement (Hungarian: igazságügyi és rendészeti miniszter) from 2006 to 2010 and Minister of Public Administration and Justice (Hungarian: közigazgatási és igazságügyi miniszter) between 2010 and 2014.

This page is a list of Ministers of Justice of Hungary.

Hungarian Kingdom (1848–1849)

Parties   Opposition Party

Hungarian State (1849)

Parties   Opposition Party

After the collapse of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, the Hungarian Kingdom became an integral part of the Austrian Empire until 1867, when dual Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was created.

Hungarian Kingdom (1867–1918)

Parties   Deák Party/Liberal Party/National Party of Work   National Constitution Party   F48P/F48P–Károlyi   Civic Democratic Party (PDP)   Civic Radical Party (PRP)   Independent

Hungarian People's Republic (1918–1919)

Parties   Civic Radical Party (PRP)   F48P–Károlyi

Hungarian Soviet Republic (1919)


Counter-revolutionary governments (1919)

Parties   Independent

Hungarian People's Republic (1919)

Parties   MSZDP

Hungarian Republic (1919–1920)

Parties   National Democratic Civil Party (NDPP)   Independent

Hungarian Kingdom (1920–1946)

Parties   National Democratic Civil Party (NDPP)   National Smallholders and Agricultural Labourers Party (OKGFP)   EP–NEP–MÉP   Independent

Government of National Unity (1944–1945)

Parties   Arrow Cross Party

Soviet-backed provisional governments (1944–1946)

Parties   MSZDP

Hungarian Republic (1946–1949)

Parties   MSZDP   MDP

Hungarian People's Republic (1949–1989)

Parties   MDP-MSZMP

Hungarian Republic (1989–2006)

Parties   MSZP   MDF   Independent

Hungarian Republic (2006–2010)

Parties   Independent

Hungarian Republic / Hungary (2010–2014)

Parties   Fidesz

Hungary (2014–present)

Parties   Fidesz


Minister of Justice (Hungary) Wikipedia

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