Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Milorad Pupovac

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Slavica Lukic

Croatian Politician

Milorad Pupovac

Milorad Pupovac Milorad Pupovac autografhr

Croatian (ethnicity:Serb)

Alma mater
Ph.D. of University of Zagreb (1988)

Milorad pupovac jadovno 2015

Milorad Pupovac (born 5 November 1955) is a Croatian politician and linguist of ethnic Serb descent. He is a member of Sabor, president of the Serb National Council, and president of the Independent Democratic Serb Party. He was also an observer at the European Parliament.


Milorad Pupovac Pupovac Vie ulagati u krajeve srpskih povratnika

Milorad Pupovac intervju Jadovno 2015


Milorad Pupovac Pupovac Menjati politiku seanja ili emo ui u nove

Pupovac was born in Donje Ceranje near Benkovac. He graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb. He holds a PhD in linguistics and is a professor at the University of Zagreb.

Political activity

Milorad Pupovac httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsdd

He was one of the leading members of the Association for Yugoslav Democratic Initiative, and after that he was the leader of the League of Social Democrats and head of the Social Democrat Alliance of Croatia – Social Democrat Alliance of Yugoslavia. He was a member of the Serb Democratic Party and the founder of the Serbian Democratic Forum.

Milorad Pupovac Milorad Pupovac Nije kao prije ovo nije Josipovi kojeg

At the beginning of 1995 he participated in the founding of the Independent Serb Party, and with founding of the Action of Social Democrats of Croatia he was involved in the activity of that party and as their representative he entered the Sabor after elections held in 1995. He cast the decisive vote needed to achieve the 2/3 majority necessary to amend the Croatian Constitution on 12 December 1997. It was the first amending of the Constitution since its adoption on 22 December 1990 and the major amendments included the investiture of the Croatian War of Independence into the Constitution's text, as well as the adoption of articles prohibiting the beginning of negotiations on Croatia's entrance into associations with any former Yugoslav republics and articles defining the national minorities of Croatia. After that he founded the Independent Democratic Serb Party, led by Vojislav Stanimirović. On the list of that party he was a candidate for the Croatian Parliament several times. He succeeded Stanimirović as the president of the party in July 2017.

Milorad Pupovac Milorad Pupovac Josipovi ne smije preuivati


Milorad Pupovac Wikipedia

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