Sneha Girap (Editor)

Michel Trudeau

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Michel Trudeau

Roman Catholic

Alma mater
Justin Trudeau (upper left), Michel, Pierre, and Sacha (from lower left to right) are smiling while Justin is wearing a Burberry checkered long sleeve, Michel is wearing a white and red polo, Pierre is wearing a brown jacket, and Sacha wearing a checkered polo

October 2, 1975 (

Justin Trudeau (brother)Alexandre Trudeau (brother)Sarah Coyne (half-sister)

November 13, 1998, British Columbia, Canada

Justin Trudeau, Alexandre Trudeau, Kyle Kemper

Charles-Emile Trudeau, James Sinclair, Grace Elliot , Kathleen Sinclair

Similar People
Alexandre Trudeau, Pierre Trudeau, Justin Trudeau, Margaret Trudeau, Sophie Gregoire‑Trudeau

Lessons from the past avalanche tragedy michel trudeau

Michel Charles-Émile Trudeau (October 2, 1975 – November 13, 1998) was the youngest son of Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Trudeau and the younger brother of current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He died in an avalanche on November 13, 1998, while skiing in Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park.


Former prime minister Pierre Trudeau, Sacha, Margaret, and Justin (from left to right) are crying at St. Viateur Church in Montreal for a memorial service for Michel Trudeau

Lecons du passe avalanche tragique michel trudeau


Former prime minister Pierre Trudeau, Sacha, Margaret, and Justin (from front left to right) are crying with three women at the back at St. Viateur Church in Montreal for a memorial service for Michel Trudeau

He was born at the Ottawa Civic Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario, and named after his paternal grandfather, Charles-Émile. Trudeau was known to family and friends as Miche, a nickname given to him as a four-month-old by Fidel Castro when he accompanied his father and mother to Cuba in 1976, and he later started going by the name Mike. Trudeau lived his early life in Ottawa and later Montreal upon his father's retirement from politics in 1984, where he was a classmate of Sophie Grégoire. During their summer breaks, Michel and his brothers attended Camp Ahmek on Canoe Lake in Algonquin Provincial Park where he would later work as a camp counsellor. He studied at Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf before attending Dalhousie University to study microbiology. When talking about her sons each having distinctly different personalities in an interview in 1977, Margaret Trudeau said, "Justin, 6, is a prince – a very good little boy. Sasha, born Christmas Day, 1973, is a bit of a revolutionary, very determined and strong willed. Miche (Michel) is a happy, well-adjusted child, who combined the best traits of both brothers."

Justin and Michel Trudeau are smiling, behind them are yellow flowers and trees, Justin is wearing a white and red polo shirt and denim pants while Michel is wearing a black and red checkered polo, black pants, and cap

Trudeau died as the result of an avalanche on November 13, 1998; at age 23. At the time, he had been working for about a year at Red Mountain Resort and living in Rossland, British Columbia. He was taking a backcountry skiing trip with some friends in Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park when he was swept into Kokanee Lake and unable to reach the shore. His companions were unable to effect a rescue, and Trudeau drowned. An extensive search was launched, but his body has never been found. The lake's high altitude and limited days of open waters each year prevented divers from completing the search. The Trudeau family called off the recovery and later created a chalet nearby as a memorial to their youngest son.

Michel Trudeau smiling with curly hair, beside him is a black dog with a bandage on his foot and his tongue is out while Michel is wearing a gray t-shirt

A varietal of rose discovered by Betsy Dening, a British Columbia horticulturalist and Trudeau's aunt, debuted at the World Rose Festival in 2010 as the "Michel Trudeau Memorial Rosebush". Sales of the rosebush benefit the Canadian Avalanche Foundation.


Michel Trudeau Wikipedia

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