Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Mars Di Bartolomeo

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Mars Bartolomeo


Mars Di Bartolomeo Mars Di Bartolomeo Wikipedia

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Mars Di Bartolomeo (born June 27, 1952 in Dudelange, Luxembourg) is a Luxembourgish politician.


Mars Di Bartolomeo R7 LSAP Mars Di Bartolomeo YouTube

After attending the Esch-sur-Alzette lycée, he worked for the Tageblatt newspaper from 1972 until 1984.

He became parliamentary secretary for the Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party in 1984. In 1987, Di Bartolomeo became a local councillor, and in 1989 was elected to the Chamber of Deputies. On 1 January 1994, Di Bartolomeo became Mayor of Dudelange. In 2004, he entered the cabinet as Minister of Health and Social Security.

Following the June 2009 legislative elections, Di Bartolomeo kept his posts as Minister of Social Security and Minister of Health, when the Christian Social Party (CSV) and the Luxembourg Socialist Workers’ Party (LSAP) formed a coalition government.

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Mars Di Bartolomeo Wikipedia

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