Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Marcie Bolen

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Guitar, Vocals, Bass

Years active

Marcie Bolen


Marcie Bolen Single Barrel Detroit Silverghost

28 October 1977 (age 47) (

Musician, Artist, Cosmetologist

Associated acts
Von Bondies, Slumber Party, Silverghost, F'ke Blood

Music groups
The Von Bondies, Slumber Party

Alternative rock, Indie rock

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Marcie Bolen (born October 28, 1977) is an American guitarist from Detroit, Michigan. She grew up in Southgate, Michigan and went to school for art and cosmetology.


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Musical career

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Bolen is best known as a founding member of the garage rock band The Von Bondies. She was their guitarist/vocalist until 2006. Bolen formed The Baby Killers with Jason Stollsteimer in 1997. The band went through various line-up changes, and they eventually changed their name to Von Bondies in 2000. As a member of Von Bondies, she made NME's Cool Lists in 2002 and 2003. Bolen had also played bass in Slumber Party and appeared on their 2001 Psychedelicate recording.

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In 2007, Marcie has played live with Patti Smith in Ann Arbor and New York. She is currently playing in the band F'ke Blood. She also has a country-inspired band with Taylor Hollingsworth. Marcie records demos for her bands at her home in Ferndale, Michigan.

Artistic career

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As an artist, she goes by the nickname "Twirlyred." She had worked on the cover booklet for White Stripes' 2001 White Blood Cells LP.

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Marcie Bolen Wikipedia

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