Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)


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Scientific name


Higher classification

Malvoideae httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Lower classifications
Hibiscus, Mallow, Cotton, Sida, Malope

Malvoideae is a botanical name at the rank of subfamily, which includes in the minimum the genus Malva. It was first used by Burnett in 1835, but was not much used until recently, where, within the framework of the APG System, which unites the families Malvaceae, Bombacaceae, Sterculiaceae and Tiliaceae of the Cronquist system, the aggregate family Malvaceae is divided into 9 subfamiles, including Malvoideae. The Malvoideae of Kubitzki and Bayer includes 4 tribes:-

  • Malveae (Abutilon, Alcea, Malva, Sidalcea etc.)
  • Gossypieae (Gossypium, the cottons etc.)
  • Hibisceae (Hibiscus etc.)
  • Kydieae
  • - and two unplaced genera:-
  • Jumelleanthus
  • Howittia
  • Baum et al. have a wider concept (cladistically, all those plants more closely related to Malva sylvestris than to Bombax ceiba) of Malvoideae, which includes additionally the tribe Matisieae (three genera of Neotropical trees) and the genera Lagunaria, Camptostemon, Pentaplaris and Uladendron.


  • Abelmoschus - Abutilon - Abutilothamnus - Acaulimalva - Akrosida - Alcea - Allosidastrum - Allowissadula - Althaea - Alyogyne - Andeimalva - Anisodontea - Anoda - Anotea - Asterotrichion
  • Bakeridesia - Bastardia - Bastardiastrum - Bastardiopsis - Batesimalva - Billieturnera - Briquetia
  • Callirhoe - Calyculogygas - Calyptraemalva - Cenocentrum - Cephalohibiscus - Cienfuegosia - Codonochlamys - Corynabutilon - Cristaria
  • Decaschistia - Dendrosida - Dicellostyles - Dirhamphis
  • Eremalche
  • Fioria - Fryxellia - Fuertesimalva
  • Gaya - Gossypioides - Gossypium - Gynatrix
  • Hampea - Helicteropsis - Herissantia - Hibiscadelphus - Hibiscus - Hochreutinera - Hoheria - Horsfordia - Howittia - Humbertianthus - Humbertiella
  • Iliamna
  • Julostylis - Jumelleanthus
  • Kearnemalvastrum - Kitaibela - Kokia - Kosteletzkya - Krapovickasia - Kydia&
  • Lagunaria - Lavatera - Lawrencia - Lebronnecia - Lecanophora
  • Macrostelia - Malachra - Malacothamnus - Malope - Malva - Malvastrum - Malvaviscus - Malvella - Megistostegium - Meximalva - Modiola - Modiolastrum - Monteiroa
  • Napaea - Nayariophyton - Neobaclea - Neobrittonia - Nototriche
  • Palaua - Pavonia - Peltaea - Periptera - Perrierophytum - Phragmocarpidium - Phymosia - Plagianthus - Pseudabutilon
  • Radyera - Rhynchosida - Robinsonella - Rojasimalva
  • Senra - Sida - Sidalcea - Sidasodes - Sidastrum - Sphaeralcea - Spirabutilon - Symphyochlamys
  • Talipariti - Tarasa - Tetrasida - Thepparatia - Thespesia
  • Urena
  • Wercklea - Wissadula
  • References

    Malvoideae Wikipedia

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