Designer(s) Martin H. Samuel Age range 7 and up | Players 1 + Setup time 1 minute | |
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Illustrator(s) Great American Puzzle Factory Publisher(s) Great American Puzzle Factory |
Lucky Seven is a fast game of competitive solitaire, played with coasters using luck and points accumulation.
Solitaire, (usually) played by one, Lucky Seven may be played by any number of players. Seven has long been regarded as a number of perfection, luck, and wonder.
The game was designed by Martin H. Samuel when in Zürich, Switzerland.
Simple though the game may be, the game mechanic is a mathematical formula known as a strange loop.
Great American Puzzle Factory, Inc. of South Norwalk, Connecticut, United States, published the game in 2003. Family Games, Inc. of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, published the game in 2015.
The goal of the game is, to turn all seven coasters number side up to accrue the most points.
Lucky Seven is played with seven numbered coasters (per player) on a flat surface.
If more than one player; the coasters are shuffled, players each choose a coaster and the player with the highest number starts.
The coasters are shuffled and laid in a row number-side down; the player turns over any coaster and leaves it in place number-side up. The exposed number on the coaster determines the POSITION (always reading from left to right from POSITION one) of the next coaster to be turned over ... and so on.
The player keeps going to see if all coasters can be turned over. If the player turns over a coaster with a number denoting the POSITION of one already turned; he or she is "bust" and the coasters are then shuffled and passed to the next player ... (or start again if playing solo).
Each player may have a set of Lucky Seven coasters and all play simultaneously.
Players keep their own score throughout the game, which may be played for; each hand, a certain number of hands or to an agreed points total. When the game is over, by comparing accrued points totals, the player with the most points is the winner.
Major Fun 2008 Family