Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

List of places in London

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List of places in London

This is an incomplete list of places in London, England.


Map of London, UK


Aside from the City and the London boroughs themselves, all contemporary districts of London are informal designations; usually based or adapted from historic parish or borough boundaries which were all abolished by 1965. London postcode districts often have an influence over where a place is considered to be although they were not designed for that purpose. All London boroughs are divided into wards which often share the names of London districts, however, they rarely share the historic or commonly accepted contemporary boundaries of those places.

London boroughs

Greater London consists of the City of London and 32 London boroughs, of which 12 are statutory Inner London boroughs and 20 are Outer London boroughs.

† = Outer London for statistics | * = Inner London for statistics


  • North London and South London: the division of London by the River Thames
  • West End of London, Central London, East End of London and the South Bank: sections of the historic urban core
  • London Docklands: the former docks and now a regeneration area
  • London Plan sub-regions: North East, North, South East, South West, West
  • Various postcode areas covering London
  • Public transport zones: 1 (central London); 2 (inner city); 3 and 4, (inner suburbs); 5 and 6 (outer suburbs)
  • References

    List of places in London Wikipedia

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