Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Lebanon Mountain Trail

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Trail difficulty
Easy to moderate

440,000 m

All year round

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A 6 minutes movie on the lebanon mountain trail

The Lebanon Mountain Trail (LMT) is a long-distance hiking trail in Lebanon. It extends from Qbaiyat in north of Lebanon to Marjaayoun in the south along a 440 km (270 mi) path that transects more than 75 towns and villages at altitudes ranging from 600 to 2,000 meters (about 3,000-5,600 feet) above sea level.


Lebanon Mountain Trail Jesus Trail Lebanon Mountain Trail Galilee Israel

The LMT showcases the natural beauty and cultural wealth of Lebanon’s mountains and the determination of the people of Lebanon to conserve their heritage. The trail brings communities together and expands economic opportunities in rural areas through environmentally and socially responsible tourism.

Lebanon Mountain Trail Walkopedia the world39s best walks treks and hikes Lebanon


Lebanon Mountain Trail LebanonMountainTrail01bjpg

ECODIT, a company providing environmental and development consulting services, conceived, designed and implemented the LMT project with grant funding from the United States, under a two-year (2005-2007) Cooperative Agreement with USAID Lebanon. As part of the LMT project, ECODIT helped establish the Lebanon Mountain Trail Association to ensure the long-term sustainability of the trail.

The following partners helped implement various activities under the LMT project:


ECODIT Liban sarlThe International Ecotourism Society (TIES)University Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (USEK)

Resource Groups

Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC)US Forest Service (USFS)Club des Vieux Sentiers (CVS)


Lebanon Mountain Trail Spring Break Part 2 Lebanon Mountain Trail kevininthekingdom
About 50 municipalitiesGovernment Agencies (Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Environment, Directorate of Geographic Affairs, Directorate General of Urban Planning, Litani River Authority)Lebanese Scout OrganizationsTour Operators (Biladi, Cyclamen, Esprit Nomade, Lebanon Roots, Liban Trek, Lebanon Roots, Vamos Todos, Blue Carrot Adventure Club, Club Des Vieux Sentiers, Friends of Nature With No Boundaries, Gravity Trek, Ibex Ecotourism, La Réserve Afqa, Lebanese Adventure, The Club of Hidden Roads of Lebanon, Responsible Mobilities)NGOs (Ansar El Bi’a Sir Ed Dinniyeh, Friends of Bcharre Cedar Committee, Environment Council of Qobaiyat, SOIL Hasbaya, Friends of Tannourine Cedar Forest, Friends of Horsh Ehden, Wadi Al Zouhour Qmamine, Friends of Green Environment Association Al Barouk, Al Shouf Cedar Society, Al Beit Al Loubnani Lal Bi’a (Kfarhim), Al Khraibi Club, The Cultural and Social League of Niha, Social Development NGO Boqaatat Kanaan, Active Club Kfardebian, Social Cultural and Sporting Club of Aqoura)


The LMT is divided into 26 sections, each of which is 12–20 km long and can be hiked in one day:

  1. Qbaiyat–Tachea
  2. Tachea–Qemmamine
  3. Qemmamine–Kfar Bnine
  4. Kfar Bnine–Sir Dinniyeh
  5. Sir Ed Dinnieh–Ehden
  6. Ehden–Qannoubine
  7. Qannoubine–Bsharri
  8. BsharriHasroun
  9. Hasroun–Tannourine
  10. Tannourine El Faouqa–Aaqoura
  11. Aaqoura–Afqa
  12. Afqa–Hrajel
  13. Hrajel–Kfar Aaqab
  14. Kfar Aaqab–Baskinta
  15. Baskinta–Mtain
  16. Mtain–Falougha
  17. Falougha–Aain Zhalta
  18. Aain Zhalta–Barouk
  19. Barouk–Maasser
  20. Maasser–Niha
  21. Niha–Jezzine
  22. Jezzine-Aaytanit
  23. Aaytanit-Kawkaba Bou Aarab
  24. Kawkaba Bou Aarab–Rashaya
  25. Rachaya–Hasbaya
  26. Hasbaya–Marjayoun


Lodging is available in many of the villages along the trail. Several bed and breakfasts operate in villages that are at the ends of the trail sections. The LMT Association maintains a list of available lodging along the trail on its website (see External links below).

Local guides

LMT Association encourages hikers to hire local guides when hiking the trail. The local guides know the trails and can add local color to the hike. The association's web site lists the local guides.


Lebanon Mountain Trail Wikipedia

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