Neha Patil (Editor)

Kfar Tapuach

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Judea and Samaria Area

West Bank

Founded by
The Jewish Agency



Hapoel HaMizrachi

Population (2015)

Kfar Tapuach httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

11°C, Wind S at 8 km/h, 65% Humidity

Israel people and places david ha ivri talking about kfar tapuach 22 july 2014

Kfar Tapuach (Hebrew: כְּפַר תַּפּוּחַ‎, lit., Apple-village), is an Orthodox Jewish Israeli settlement in the West Bank, founded in 1978. It sits astride one of the major traffic junctions in the West Bank. The executive director of the village council is Yisrael Blunder and the chief rabbi is Shimon Rosenzwieg. In 2015 it had a population of 970.


Map of Kfar Tapu'ah

The international community considers Israeli settlements in the West Bank illegal under international law, but the Israeli government disputes this.


Although its population consists entirely of Jews, Kfar Tapuach is one of the more diverse Israeli settlements, with its population coming from a range of backgrounds. Founded by a core of Habbani Yemenite Jews from the moshav of Bareket, it has since absorbed Jewish immigrants from Russia and the United States, a large group of Peruvian converts to Judaism from Trujillo, Peru, and others. Between February 2004 and August 2009, over 90 new families moved to Kfar Tapuach.

Public services

  • Four synagogues, two of which have three minyanim (prayer gatherings) daily and evening Torah classes; all four are fully functional on Shabbat.
  • Two Mikvaot (ritual baths), one for women and one for men.
  • A nursery school, and three kindergartens with a playground.
  • A qualified and experienced volunteer emergency medical and anti-terrorist team.
  • Private businesses

    Private businesses include a grocery store, mechanic garage, moving company, goat farm, honey bee farm, Klaf (leather parchment) factory, and a perfume factory.

    Biblical Tappuah

    Kfar Tapuach is located near the archaeological site of Tapuach (Tappuah or Taphua ), which appears in the Bible in the Book of Joshua (Joshua 12:17) as one of the first 31 cities conquered by Joshua Bin-Nun and the children of Israel.

    Joshua 17:7-8 places Tapuach at the border between the territory of the two sons of Joseph, i. e., the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim:

    The border [of Manasseh] went along south to the inhabitants of En Tappuah. Manasseh had the [rural] land of Tappuah, but Tappuah on the border of Manasseh belonged to the children of Ephraim.


    Kfar Tapuach Wikipedia

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