Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Julio Moizeszowicz

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Julio Moizeszowicz

Julio Moizeszowicz httpsiytimgcomviNFQYarq7PSUmqdefaultjpg

25 May 1943Buenos Aires (

Profesor de la Facultad de Medicina de Universidad de Buenos Aires

Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Neuroscience

Entrevista dr julio moizeszowicz y dr carlos morra rosario 28 y 29 de marzo de 2014

Julio Moizeszowicz is an Argentine psychiatrist. He was born (1943-05-25)May 25, 1943 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is the son of Polish immigrants who moved to Argentina before World War II.


From 1965-1968, he was a Resident Physician at the University of Buenos Aires Medical Clinic Research Institute (under the head Alfredo Lanari). He worked with the team that made the first kidney transplants and the first meeting with the psychotherapy doctors from the Balint Society in Argentina.

In 1968, after completing his residency, he went to Germany to learn about the clinical drug development (psychopharmacologic and others) of Phase I-II (nomifensine, etifoxine, clobazam, loprazolam, streptokinase, Haemaccel) at the Pharmacologic and Medical Department of Hoechst AG, Behringwerke in Germany.

In 1973, he started working at the National Neuropsychiatric Hospital José Tiburcio Borda in Buenos Aires. He was firmly interested in the biological basis of the mind. He obtained a specialty degree and certification as a Psychiatrist (thesis: "Update on the Clinical Evaluation of Psychotropic Drugs," Acta Psiquiátrica y Psicológica de América Latina 1975; 21: 41-51.)

In 1983, in an opposed and open scientific competition, he obtained the post of Associate Professor in the Mental Health Department at Buenos Aires Medical School, with the Jury of Horacio Etchegoyen, Mauricio Goldenberg and Dionisio Duarte.

He held the position in the Mental Health Department, in the Jewish Hospital of Buenos Aires, under the Head (Dr. Jorge Garcia Badaracco) until 1994, where he taught criteria of evidence-based medicine on the neuro-psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments of patients in the general hospital.

From 1983 to 1989, he worked in Didactic Teaching and Supervision of Psychoanalysis at the Psychoanalytic Association of Buenos Aires (ApdeBA, affiliated with the International Psychoanalytic Association) with Dr. Elizabeth Tabak and Dr. Horacio Etchegoyen.

He was Medical Director at "The Aleph" Day Mental Health Clinic (Multiple Therapies Community and Social Learning, 1986–1995); President of the Foundation of Psychopharmacology Research; Editor of the "Revista Argentina de Psicofarmacología" (Argentine Psychopharmacology Journal, 1995–2000) and the "Revista FundoPsi, Evidencia en Psicofarmacología" (Argentine Journal of Evidence-based Psychopharmacology, 2000–2004).

He was a Professor at Salta Health Sciences School, National University of Salta (1985–1986); Visiting Professor at the School of Medicine, National University of Córdoba (1997) and the Galician School of Health Administration (under the Head Mental Health Department, Dr. Tiburcio Angosto Saura), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2001; Professor of Psychopathology at the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association; Professor of Psychopharmacology at the Argentine Psychiatrist Association; Supervisor at the Psychopharmacology´s Section of the Psychology Department in the Israeli Hospital, Buenos Aires (1977–1989).

He has served as President of the Psychopharmacology Section of the Argentine Psychiatrist Association (affiliate to the World Psychiatric Association, 1983–1993); Member of the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association (component society of the International Psychoanalytic Association) and the New York Academy of Sciences.

He is currently an International Member of the American Psychiatric Association, Who's Who, Marquis Publication, the Argentine Medical Association, the Argentine Psychiatric Association and of the Board of the Argentine College of Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience.

Scientific contributions

Julio Moizeszowicz developed psychopharmacological research that tried to complement the relationships between the body and mind, articulated through the psychotherapies, psychoanalytic and psychopharmacological treatments, of various mental disorders.

In his writings he states that the quantitative invasion (psychological and chemical) disorganizes the psychic apparatus, necessitating the administration of psychoactive drugs to restore the order of the quality and the mental representations.

It has been demonstrated that besides genetic factors, emotional factors may cause changes in quantity and quality of the brain's neurotransmitters.

It should be added that due to the quantitative invasion of the mental apparatus, the human is inable to respond to it properly. This is due to the limited possibilities of controlling and elaborating mentally psychic excitements. An excessive influx of excitement immediately cancells the pleasure principle, forcing the psychic apparatus to perform a more urgent task: to link the excitations to allow its subsequent discharge. The action of the pleasure principle requires the fulfillment of certain conditions, which are canceled by psychological trauma.

Sigmund Freud, in his 1895 book "Project for a Scientific Psychology", confirms the concept of "a quantity of arousal which moves along the neural networks." At the time that human hormones were discovered, Freud adds in "Outline of Psychoanalysis" (1938), that "it is possible to act chemically on the psychic apparatus."

Today it is known that every neuron propagates its information through an action potential (electrical signal) and iits synapses are governed by neurotransmitters. The flow of information is transmitted inside neurons from dendrites in the body of the neuron, and from there, to the axon. To continue the propagation of impulses within neurons, the electrical impulse is converted into chemicals. This release of neurotransmitters in the synaptic gap (stored in vesicles) allows the intervention of psychotropic drugs.

These neurotransmitters are "captured" by cell surface receptors, which generate an excitatory postsynaptic potential, in order to transmit the impulse again to another cell. In order to maintain permanent changes over time, it is necessary to store that information. This is done, primarily, through the basic structure messengers (messenger RNA). In this way, the original message can be fixed in the nucleus of the neuron, where the DNA encodes it to definitively remain in the memory (neuronal plasticity).

Eric Kandel (Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2000) demonstrated the existence of a genetic memory. Now, it is possible to differentiate between genetic and epigenetic in mental disorders. This is performed through intracellular chemical messengers (signal transduction), which attempt to modify the activity of genes.

From Freudian theory, psychosis means that a quantitative attack of impulses cannot be qualified. This invasion of emotions produces psychotic disorders: the Ego merges with the Id, away from the outside world. If on the contrary, the Ego takes alliance with the outside world, but cannot prevail over the Id, neurotic disorders will appear. If the conflict is done through the Superego, depression appears. The presence of over-adaptation to reality will lead to psychosomatic diseases. This strong invasion to the mental apparatus can produce in neurotic patients intense accesses of anxiety, for example, that can generate panic attacks; in psychosis patients this can cause a psychotic breakdown, with a complete loss of the labile restorative construction (which allowed the patient to "live" until that moment).

Since 1950, with the synthesis of the typical antipsychotic (chlorpromazine) and the antidepressant (imipramine), Psychopharmacology advances at a dizzying rate, taking advantage of the progress of other sciences. At present, there are methods to investigate chemical and psychological responses of the central nervous system, through neuroimaging (functional magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, and computed tomography single-photon emission tomography), neurochemistry and bioelectricity.

The psychoactive drugs may be regarded as an object which acts when the words (the order of the quality and the representations) disappear, as a consequence of a quantitative invasion of the mental apparatus. They are also useful in the prophylactic phases of these mental disorders with painful vital conflicts, like separations, bereavement, job losses, etc., which can result in acute quantitative responses, usually known in advance, by family and psychotherapists. It is recommended that the patient take the medication correctly(compliance), and reach an agreement through a therapeutic relationship, where the doctor can clarify to the patient the benefits, as well as the balance of risks, of psychotherapies and psychopharmacological medications.


  • Utilidad de la potenciación con antipsicóticos atípicos, en la depresión resistente. 26° Congreso Argentino de Psiquiatría, Asociación de Psiquiatras Argentinos, Mar del Plata, Hotel Sheraton, 19-22 Abril 2012.
  • Viñetas Clínicas Interactivas: Actualidad diagnóstica y de tratamiento. 26° Congreso Argentino de Psiquiatría, Asociación de Psiquiatras Argentinos, Mar del Plata, Hotel Sheraton, 21-24 Abril 2010
  • Psicofarmacología del espectro ¿border-bipolar? 17° Congreso Internacional de Psiquiatría, Asociación Argentina de Psiquiatras, Buenos Aires, Hotel Sheraton, 27-30 septiembre 2010.
  • Burn Out. 16° Congreso Internacional de Psiquiatría, Asociación Argentina de Psiquiatras, Buenos Aires, Hotel Sheraton Libertador, 3-6 Octubre 2009.
  • Viñetas Clínicas Interactivas: Actualidad diagnóstica y de tratamiento. 25° Congreso Argentino de Psiquiatría, Asociación de Psiquiatras Argentinos, Mar del Plata, Hotel Sheraton, 22-25 Abril 2009.
  • Impulsividad/Vulnerabilidad. ¿Tratamiento psicofarmacológico y/o Resiliencia. Simposio Pipelines Drugs, Buenos Aires, Hotel Caesar Park, 4 Noviembre 2008.
  • Qué significa ser Atípico en el tratamiento de las psicosis. Riesgos y Beneficios. Utilidad de un nuevo Antipsicótico Atípico. 23° Congreso Argentino de Psiquiatría, Asociación de Psiquiatras Argentinos, Mar del Plata, Hotel Sheraton, 19-22 Abril 2007.
  • Tratamiento de la Depresión en el largo plazo. Simposio Neurociencias, Buenos Aires, Hotel Piazzola, 29 Agosto 2005
  • Controversial question: Should psychomotor retardation be considered as a good prognostic factor in the treatment of depression?, Medicographia 2003; 25 (74): 47.
  • Escitalopram in the treatment of mayor depression disorder with anxiety in a routine clinical outpatient clinic. Fernández L., Bronstein R., Schaumann C., Pedemonte P. Moizeszowicz J., 24th. CINP Congress, Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychofarmacologicum, París, Francia, 20-24 junio 2004.
  • Atípicos, antipsicóticos de vanguardia. Diario La Nación, 17-18 abril de 2004.
  • Growth Hormone Neurosecretory Disfunction in Major Depressive Illness. Fiasche R., Fideleff H., Moizeszowicz J., Frieder P., Pagano SM., Holland M., Psychoneuroendocrinology 1995; 20: 727-733.
  • "Tratamiento Psicofarmacológico en Clínica de Día". En Moizeszowicz J., Psicofarmacología Psicodinámica III: Nuevos enfoques clínico-terapéuticos. Editorial Paidós, Buenos Aires, 1994, Capítulo 14, págs. 715-730. (ISBN 978-950-12-3139-7).
  • "Tratamiento Psicofarmacológico de la Bulimia Nerviosa". En Moizeszowicz J., Psicofarmacología Psicodinámica III: Nuevos enfoques clínico-terapéuticos. Editorial Paidós, Buenos Aires, 1994, Capítulo 12, págs. 681-691. (ISBN 978-950-12-3139-7).
  • Psicofármacos y Terapia por la Palabra, en un Sobrio Debate. Diario Tiempo Argentino, 30 marzo 1983.
  • Como Combatir la Depresión, Diario Clarín, 2 diciembre 1983.
  • Effects of a New Benzodiazepine Derivative in Anxious Patients with gastrointestinal Disorders. Laudano O., Peralta M., Luján L., Aparicio N., Moizeszowicz J., Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1977; 17: 441-446.
  • Controlled Trial of Nomifensin and Viloxazine in the Treatment of Depression in the Elderly. Moizeszowicz J., Subirá S., Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1977; 17: 81-83.
  • Utilidad de la Diferenciación de Benzodiacepinas en el Tratamiento de la Ansiedad. Chappa H., Moizeszowicz J., Prensa Médica Argentina 1976; 63: 339-342.
  • Tratamiento de las Neurosis Depresivas-Ansiosas con un Nuevo Psicofármaco: Nomifensin. Chappa H., Levin E., Moizeszowicz J., Acta Psiquiátrica y Psicología de América Latina 1976; 22: 133-138.
  • Evaluación del Insomnio por Escalas de Autoadministración. Effectividad de un Nuevo Hipnótico Benzodiacepínico Soluble. Moizeszowicz J., Cúneo G., Guitelman A., Semana Médica 1976; 149: 116-120.
  • A Double Blind Comparative Trial of Nomifensin and Desipramine in Depression. Relation Between Treatment and Phenylethylamine Excretion. Acebal E., Subirá S., Spatz H., Faleni R., Merzbacher B., Gales A., Moizeszowicz J., European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1976; 10: 109-113.
  • Evaluation of the Psychotropic Effect of Etifoxina through Pursuit Rotor Performance and Galvanic Skin Response. Córsico R., Moizeszowicz J., Bursuk L., Rovaro E., Psychopharmacology (Berl) 1976; 45: 301-303.
  • Actualización en la Evaluación Clínica de Psicofármacos. Acta Psiquiátrica y Psicológica de América Latina 1975; 21: 41-51.
  • Neurocognitive Components of Chronic Schizophrenia. Fiszbein, A., Opler, L.A., Kay S. R., Rosenkilde, C.E., Ramirez, P. M., Moizeszowicz, J., and Gorelick, A. S. Program and Papers on New Research Syllabus, The One Hundred and Forty-Fourth Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, New Orleans, USA, 1991; NR3.
  • References

    Julio Moizeszowicz Wikipedia

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