Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Juan Pablo Fusi

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Juan Fusi

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Complutense University of Madrid

Franco, Heart of Spain: Robert Capa's Photographs of the Spanish Civil War

Juan pablo fusi el historiador del ma ana recoger la dudosa legalidad de la sentencia del tedh

Juan Pablo Fusi Aizpurúa (San Sebastián, 1945) is a Spanish historian. He specialises in contemporary history, the Basque Country and nationalisms.



Juan pablo fusi autor de breve historia del mundo contempor neo 4 10 2013


Juan Pablo Fusi Franco da la posibilidad de un nacionalismo espaol

Fusi has a degree in History from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has a Ph.D (History) from the same university.

Juan Pablo Fusi Ingreso de Juan Pablo Fusi en la Real Academia de la Historia Jakiunde

Likewise, he has a Ph.D from University of Oxford and is a Doctor Honoris Causa in Humanities from New York University.


Juan Pablo Fusi Juan Pablo Fusi Se ha resquebrajado la plena unidad soberanista de

Fusi, currently Professor of History at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where he has held the Chair of Contemporary History since 1988, has devoted a large part of his career teaching at universities in Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Juan Pablo Fusi Una reforma federal de la Constitucin no integrara a los

He has been a lecturer at Colegio Universitario San Pablo-CEU and professor at universities in Murcia, Cantabria and the Basque Country.

Juan Pablo Fusi Entrevista con Juan Pablo Fusi Cultura EL PAS

As well as having taught at the universities of California, Wisconsin and Oxford, his main activity after studying under Raymond Carr was as Director of the Centre for Iberian Studies at St Antony's College (1976–1980).


Juan Pablo Fusi Fusi recorre el camino a la libertad Cultura EL PAS

Between 1986 and 1990, Fusi was the Director of the Biblioteca Nacional de España, and is still a member of its board of trustees. He has been the Academic Director at the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset and at the Fundación José Ortega y Gasset (2001–2006), where he is still a trustee and Emeritus Fellow.

Juan Pablo Fusi Juan Pablo Fusi ingresar en la Academia de la Historia Cultura

Fusi was elected to medalla nº 15 of the Real Academia de la Historia on 21 November 2014.

Committee of Experts

Juan Pablo Fusi Juan Pablo Fusi Ni la victoria ni la derrota en Catalua del

Fusi was a member of the ad hoc committee of experts set up to advise the Spanish government regarding the return of the polemical "Salamanca Papers" to the autonomous government of Catalonia. Comprising, among others, Federico Mayor Zaragoza and Columbia University Professor of History Edward Malefakis, the committee declared in 2004, by a majority of 14 of its 17 members, that it was "just and legitimate" that the documents be returned to the autonomous government. The documents were finally transferred in 2005.


  • Spain: Dictatorship to Democracy. London: Routledge. 1979 (with Raymond Carr)
  • El País Vasco. Pluralismo y nacionalidad (1983)
  • Franco, autoritarismo y poder personal (1985) Madrid : Suma de Letras, 2001 ISBN 84-663-0185-2 Taurus Ediciones, 1995. ISBN 84-306-0053-1
  • España 1808-1996. El desafío de la modernidad (with Jordi Palafox, 1997)
  • España, la evolución de la identidad nacional (1999)
  • Un siglo de España. La cultura (2000).
  • He received the Premio Espejo de España award in 1976 for Spain: Dictatorship to Democracy, 1979, written in collaboration with Raymond Carr, and in 2001 he received the Montaigne Prize.

    His essay "La Patria lejana: el nacionalismo en el siglo XX" (2003), deals with the evolution and diversity of contemporary nationalist movements.

  • La España del siglo XX (with S. Juliá, J.L. García Delgado and J.C. Jiménez, 2003)
  • El País Vasco 1931-37. Autonomía. Revolución. Guerra Civil (2003)
  • El malestar de la modernidad. Cuatro ensayos sobre historia y cultura (2004)
  • Identidades proscritas. El no nacionalismo en sociedades nacionalistas (2006).
  • References

    Juan Pablo Fusi Wikipedia

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