Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Juan Downey

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Juan Downey


Video art, Kinetic art

Juan Downey Juan Downey The Invisible Architect MIT List Visual

May 11, 1940 (
Santiago, Chile

June 9, 1993, New York City, New York, United States

Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (1961)

Guggenheim Fellowship for Creative Arts, Latin America & Caribbean

Teaser juan downey mas all de estos muros

Juan Downey (May 11, 1940 – June 9, 1993) was a Chilean artist who was a pioneer in the fields of video art and interactive art.


Juan Downey e81 Performance Review Juan Downey The Invisible Architect

Mimetic exchange michael taussig on juan downey and jean rouch



Juan Downey was born in Santiago, Chile on May 11, 1940. His father David Downey V. was a distinguished architect in Chile, and following in his father’s footsteps Juan Downey studied and completed a Bachelor of Architecture degree in 1964 from the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile. In 1961, to further his studies and develop his artistic practice, Downey traveled to Europe. He spent a few months in Barcelona and Madrid, followed by Paris where he lived for a period of three years during which he studied printmaking at Stanley William Hayter’s legendary Atelier 17. During this time, he befriended the artists Eugenio Téllez, Roberto Matta, Julio Le Parc, and Takis.

Juan Downey Juan Downey Shows iMAGERY MOTION Video Art World

In 1965 Downey traveled to Washington DC at the invitation of The Organization of American States to have a solo show of his work. It was there that Downey would meet his wife Marilys Belt. He stayed in Washington for a couple of years before moving with his family to New York City in 1969. Downey was an associate professor of art at the Pratt Institute in New York from 1970 until 1993. He died in New York City on June 9, 1993 as a result of cancer.

Art career

Juan Downey mediaguggenheimorgcontentfoundationMAPartist

In New York City he would become involved with the groups Radical Software and Raindance collective, both early proponents of using video for artistic and political means.

Juan Downey Juan Downey MoMA

He is recognized as pioneer and early adopter of video art, however, during his artistic career Downey created an extensive body of work that also includes electronic and video sculptures, photography, painting, drawing, printmaking, performance, installation and writing. Downey’s drawings are especially remarkable and remained a constant practice for the artist. All of his major works were accompanied by drawings. They not only reflect his “sureness of hand” as the curators David Ross and James Harithas noted, but also his compelling ideas and visions, and reveal this sustained practice of drawing over a lifetime.

The early period of Juan Downey’s artistic practice consisted of painting, drawing, writing and printmaking. After moving to the United States in 1965, he began to experiment with numerous forms of art that included creating interactive electronic sculptures, performances, happenings, and in the late 1960s video art. He wrote, “The universe is not an assemblage of independent parts, but an overlapping, interrelated system of energy. All my work relates to this vision.” These media permitted Downey to investigate ideas about invisible energy as well as invite for active participation of the viewers with his work.

Two seminal series in Downey’s career were Video Trans Americas, begun in 1971 and The Thinking Eye, begun in mid-1970s. Video Trans Americas (V.T.A.) is often divided into two groups: the first group was developed between 1973 and 1976, and the second between 1976 and 1977. The two series stress his preoccupation with political discourse, the self, history of art, western civilization, and Latin American identity.

Solo exhibitions

Solo exhibitions featuring Juan Downey’s work include:

  • Juan Downey: Audio-Kinetic Electronic Sculptures, The Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington DC, (1968);
  • With Energy Beyond These Walls, Howard Wise Gallery, New York, NY, (1970);
  • Video Trans Americas, Contemporary Art Museum, Houston, TX, (1976);
  • Juan Downey: Video Trans Americas, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, (1976);
  • Video Trans Americas, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY (1977);
  • Juan Downey: New American Filmmaker Series, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY (1978);
  • Juan Downey, Matrix/Berkeley 16, University Art Museum, Berkeley, CA (1978);
  • Une Forêt 'Videoformes': Retrospective Juan Downey, Festival de la Création Vidéo, Clermont-Ferrand, France (1993);
  • Juan Downey: Instalaciones, Dibujos y Videos, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago (1995), Chile;
  • Juan Downey: Con energía más allá de estos muros, Institut Valencià d'Art Modern, Centre del Carme, Valencia, Spain (1997–98);
  • Retrospectiva de Video Arte de Juan Downey, Museo de Arte Moderno de Chiloé, Castro, Chiloé, Chile (2000);
  • Plateau of Humankind, Honorable Mention: “Excellence in Art Science and Technology,” 49th Venice Biennale Chilean Pavilion, Venice, Italy (2001);
  • Juan Downey: El ojo pensante, Sala de Arte Fundación Telefónica, Santiago, Chile (2010);
  • Juan Downey: The Invisible Architect, MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, MA, Arizona State University Art Museum, Tempe, AZ, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, NY (2011-2012)
  • Group exhibitions

    His work was included in numerous group exhibitions including:

  • Some More Beginnings: An Exhibition of Submitted Works Involving Technical Materials and Processes, organized by Experiments in Art and Technology, in collaboration with the Brooklyn Museum, Brookly, NY and The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY (1968);
  • New Learning Spaces & Places, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN (1974);
  • Whitney Biennial Exhibition, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY (1975, 1977, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991);
  • Documenta 6, Kassel, Germany, (1977);
  • Venice Biennale, US Pavilion, Venice, Italy, (1980);
  • Sydney Biennale, Sydney, Australia, (1982);
  • II Bienal de La Habana, Havana, Cuba, (1986);
  • The Thinking Eye, International Center for Photography, New York, NY, (1987);
  • Passages de l’image, Musée national d'Art moderne- Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, (1990);
  • Video Art: The First 25 Years, The Museum of Modern Art, and The American Federation of Arts, New York, NY, (1995);
  • Info Art ’95, Kwangju Biennale, Kwangju, Korea, (1995);
  • Electronic Highways, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, (1997);
  • Rational/Irrational, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany, (2008-2009)
  • VIVA ART VIVA, Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy, (2017);
  • Interactive art

  • Against Shadows, 1968, is an interactive artwork that uses a grid of photo sensors to translate shadow thrown by the human body to a matching grid of wall-mounted light bulbs.
  • In Invisible Energy Dictates a Dance Concert, 1969-1970, readings taken by geiger counters are sent by walkie-talkies to dancers in different rooms of the gallery.
  • Three-Way Communication by Light, 1972, used video, super 8 film and laser beams to join the actions of three performers painted in white face.
  • Plato Now, 1973
  • Performance art

  • Imperialistic Octopus, 1972
  • Energy Fields, 1972
  • Video Trans Americas Debriefing Pyramid, 1974
  • Early works

  • Fresh Air, 3/4" NTSC format, b/w 16 min., 1971
  • Plato Now, b/w, 30 min., 9 channels, 1972
  • Monument to the Charles River, b/w, 27 min., 2 channels, 1973
  • Rewe, video installation, 1991
  • Video Trans Americas

    The Video Trans Americas (V.T.A) Series was a video-installation comprised of videos recorded with a Sony portapak during Downey’s travels from North to Central and South America between 1973 and 1976. The first complete screening of the V.T.A video-installation was in the exhibition Landscape Studies in Video curated by David Ross at the Long Beach Museum of Art in 1975. The V.T.A video-installation in subsequent exhibitions at other museum institutions such as the Whitney Museum of American Art (1976) was exhibited differently. This was largely due to the spatial component entailed in the presentation of the work, a key concern for Downey, as well as his own artistic liberty to make changes or integrate other components in the installation. Therefore, there are a number of different versions in the way the V.T.A video installation was exhibited. The following videos were included in the installation:

  • Rumbo al Golfo, b/w, 27 min., 1973
  • Zapoteca, b/w, 27 min., 1973
  • Yucatán, 1973
  • Chile, color, 13 min., 1974
  • Guatemala, b/w, 27 min., 1973
  • New York/Texas I & II, b/w, 27 min., 2 channels, 1974
  • Nazca I & II, b/w 11 min., 2 channels, 1974
  • Lima/Machu Picchu, b/w, 27 min., 1975
  • Cuzco I & II, 1976
  • Inca I & II, 1976
  • Uros I & II, 1975
  • La Frontera I & II, 1976
  • Additional videos that are part of the V.T.A series:

  • Moving, b/w, 27 min., 1974
  • Publicness, b/w, 30 min., 1974
  • Central Zone, b/w, 27 min., 1975
  • Videodances, b/w, 30 min., 1975
  • Inca Split, 1976
  • Bi-Deo, 1976
  • In the Beginning, 1976
  • Guahibos, color, 26 min. 1976
  • Yanomami Healing I, b/w, 1977
  • Yanomami Healing II, b/w, 1977
  • The Circle of Fires, 1978 (video installation comes in 2 versions)
  • More Than Two, 1978 (installation)
  • The Abandoned Shabono, 1979
  • The Laughing Alligator, 1979
  • Chiloe, color, 18 min., 1981
  • Chicago Boys, color, 16 min., stereo, 1982–83
  • About Cages, 1986 (installation)
  • The Motherland, 1986
  • The Return of the Motherland, 1989
  • The Thinking Eye Series

  • Las Meninas (Maids of Honor), color, 20 min., 1975
  • Venus and Her Mirror, 1980 (video-installation)
  • The Looking Glass, 1981
  • Information Withheld, 1983
  • Shifters, 1984
  • Sinage, 1984 (video-installation)
  • Obelisk, 1985 (video-installation)
  • J.S. Bach, 1986
  • Bachdisc, 1988 (interactive video-disc)
  • Hard Times and Culture: Part One, Vienna fin-de-siecle, 1990
  • Collections

    Downey’s work can be found in private collections and in the collections of major museums. Selected museum collections include:

  • The Tate Modern, London, UK;
  • The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY;
  • Centre Pompidou/Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, France;
  • Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain;
  • The Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC, and
  • Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile, among others.
  • Awards

    Downey was a Guggenheim fellow in the area of Fine Arts in 1971.


    Juan Downey Wikipedia

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