Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Joseph H Eberly

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Joseph Eberly

Laser Physics

Frederic Ives Medal

Joseph H. Eberly httpswwwpasrochesteredupeoplefacultyeberl

Theoretical quantum optics

Alma mater
Pennsylvania State UniversityStanford University

Doctoral students
Elizabeth GrovesXiao-Feng QianShantanu AgarwalB. David CladerK.W. (Cliff) ChanPhay HoHu HuangMatt KalinskiMarek KonopnickiIam-Choon KhooDemetris LappasC. K. Law (羅志光)Peter MilonniRaphael PanfiliSeyed Mohammad Hashemi RafsanjaniAshiqur RahmanQichang SuLiwei WangKrzysztof WodkiewiczMuhammed Yonac

Known for
Quantum opticsAuthor of LasersFounder of Optics ExpressDiscovery of Trojan wave packetsElectron mass shift in electromagnetic radiationSuperradianceAtomic stabilizationAbove threshold ionizationOne-dimensional model atom with softened singularityTheory of nonsequential ionizationQuantum revivalCounter-intuitive excitation of multi-level systemsArbitrary Control of a Quantum Electromagnetic FieldPolaritonic solitons in multilevel mediaTrojan wave packetsEngtanglement control

Doctoral advisor
Edwin Thompson Jaynes

Joseph H. Eberly (born 1935) is the Andrew Carnegie Professor of Physics and Professor of Optics at the University of Rochester.



Eberly earned his bachelor's degree from Pennsylvania State University and his Ph.D. in Physics from Stanford University.


Professor Eberly's research interests focus on: cavity QED; quantum information and control of non-classical entanglement (including sudden death and sudden birth of entanglement); response of atoms to high-intensity optical pulses; coherent control theory of optical interactions, including soliton and adiabaton propagation. In 1995, with funding from the National Science Foundation, he founded the Rochester Theory Center for Optical Science and Engineering (RTC). The Center, under Eberly's directorship, provides postdoctoral training in frontier areas of optical science and technology to selected young Ph.D. theorists from U.S. universities.

Eberly says: "The transition zone between quantum mechanics and classical physics is, I would say, the most fascinating and the least understood frontier in physics. That area is so full of fascinating puzzles and this is such a nice way to explore one aspect of that frontier zone."

Eberly's early discovery of the full quantum revival in the Jaynes-Cummings model which is a kind of resurrection of the quantum system after a very long time as the physically measurable non-thermodynamical example of the quantum Poincaré recurrence theorem in the finite time limit has a striking consequences on the theory of the quantum consciousness in unitary universe and the theory of life self-creation and probability of alien life.

In one of his very first papers "Electron Self-Energy in Intense Plane-Wave Field” in Physical Review in 1966 he independently implicitly discovered in electrodynamics the Higgs mechanism i.e. how the massless particles field can gain the mass through the interaction with the Higgs field - the laser field if the Dirac field was the massless gauge field. Eberly is also recognized as a pioneer in the theory of atomic vapor laser isotope separation.

In 2003 he discovered the phenomenon of crystalization in time for the highly exited states of atoms i.e. in analogy to the anomalous improvement of the conductivity with the temperature in Kondo effect by coherent "heating" not cooling the system or with respect to the defined energy level by showing the existence of fermion densities in atoms eternally and perfectly periodic in time instead of the space and without any external fields as the Rutherford atom in true quantum theory.

Awards and recognition

Eberly is recognized as an icon in the field of theoretical quantum optics, and has been the recipient of the Charles Hard Townes Award, the Smoluchowski Medal and the Senior Humboldt Award. He was the president of the Optical Society of America in 2007. For his outstanding contributions in the theory of electron localization in atoms and molecules he was awarded in 2010 the Frederic Ives Medal, the highest award of the Optical Society of America. Unlike many other native US scientists he has strong and unique research ties to home country of Maria Sklodowska-Curie, Poland that started from sharing his office with Polish physicist Adam Kujawski in 60-ties, continued with longtime scientific collaboration with Prize of the Foundation for Polish Science, the Polish equivalent of the Nobel Prize winner in 2014 Iwo Bialynicki-Birula and culminated in becoming a Foreign Member of the Academy of Sciences of Poland. He also has multiple publications record with another "Polish Nobel" winner Kazimierz Rzazewski who pointed out that the superradiant phase transition originally discovered at the University of Rochester is physically not possible without a "extraterrestrial" ether with both the real and negative dielectric constant filling the quantum vacuum which is less than one.


Eberly has published more than 300 scientific journal articles and other scientific papers. He has co-written two textbooks and has contributed chapters to many more.

  • L. Allen and J.H. Eberly, Optical Resonance and Two-Level Atoms. 1987. ISBN 978-0-486-65533-8.
  • P. Milonni and J.H. Eberly, Lasers. 1988. ISBN 978-0-471-62731-9.
  • Sudden Death of Entanglement by Ting Yu and J. H. Eberly, Science 30 January 2009: Vol. 323. no. 5914, pp. 598 - 601, doi:10.1126/science.1167343
  • References

    Joseph H. Eberly Wikipedia

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