Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Ivone Gebara

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Ivone Gebara

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Longing for Running Water, Mary - mother of God - mot, Out of the Depths: Women's, Intuiciones Ecofeministas ‑ Ensayo, Le mal au féminin

Complica es ivone gebara

Ivone Gebara (born 1944) is a Brazilian Catholic nun, philosopher, and feminist theologian.


Ivone Gebara Ivone Gebara realiza conferncia de encerramento do 6

Ivone Gebara was born in São Paulo on December 9, 1944 to a family of Syrian-Lebanese descent. After receiving a degree in philosophy, she joined the Augustinian Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady in 1967 at the age of 22. She earned a Ph.D. in philosophy from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo.

Ivone Gebara wwwunicapbrassecom1wpcontentuploads201105

Gebara taught at the Instituto Teológico do Recife (ITER) for almost 17 years alongside founder Hélder Câmara. Linked to liberation theology, the institution existed from 1968 until it was closed by order of the Vatican in 1989. Since then she has devoted her time to writing and delivering courses and lectures around the world, on the foundations of religious discourse.

Ivone Gebara A luta feminista est presente em diferentes mbitos

Since 1973 Gebara has lived in the Northeast Region. She currently lives in a poor neighborhood of Camaragibe in the Recife metropolitan area, 25 km from Recife.

Ivone Gebara Ivone Gebara on the Papal Election quotOfficial Coverage

In the 1990s, Gebara was tried and convicted by the Vatican for criticizing the moral teaching of the Church, especially due to comments she made in an interview printed in Veja magazine in regard to abortion. She was ordered to two years of forced silence. During that time, she obtained her second doctorate, in Religious Studies from the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. Gebara wrote a book addressing evil, Rompendo o silêncio: uma fenomenologia feminista do mal.

Plenary address ivone gebara hd

Selected published works

Gebara is the author of over thirty books and numerous articles published in Portuguese, Spanish, French, English and German. Among her major works are:

  • Trindade: palavra sobre coisas velhas e novas. Uma perspectiva ecofeminista (1994)
  • Teologia ecofeminista. Ensaio para repensar o Conhecimento e a Religião (1997)
  • Rompendo o silêncio. Uma fenomenologia feminista do Mal (2000)
  • A Mobilidade da Senzala Feminina. Mulheres Nordestinas, Vida Melhor e Feminismo (2000)
  • La sed de sentido. Búsquedas ecofeministas en prosa poética (2002)
  • As águas do meu poço. Reflexões sobre experiências de liberdade (2005)
  • O que é Teologia (2006)
  • O que é Teologia Feminista (2007)
  • O que é Cristianismo (2008)
  • Compartilhar os pães e os peixes. O cristianismo, a teologia e teologia feminista (2008)
  • Vulnerabilidade, Justiça e e Feminismos - Antologia de Textos (2010)
  • Terra - Eco Sagrado (Teologia da Libertação e Educação Popular) (with Arno Kayser)
  • References

    Ivone Gebara Wikipedia

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