Sneha Girap (Editor)

Iris Clert

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Iris Clert

1986, Cannes, France

Iris Clert Ad Reinhardt at Galerie Iris Clert 1963 The Brooklyn Rail

c. 1917

Gallery owner, curator, socialite

A Portrait for Iris Clert

Yves Klein: Propositions monochromes, Blue Epoch Clert, Monochrome and fire

Iris Clert (Greek: Ίρις Αθανασιάδη; 1917 – 1986) was the owner of the Galerie Iris Clert from 1955 to 1971. During its tenure, her gallery became an avant-garde hotspot in the international art scene, particularly to Yves Klein, Jean Tinguely and Arman.


Iris Clert Iris Clert Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Originally of Greek nationality, Clert became an overnight socialite with the success of her gallery.

Iris Clert Boris Vansier Expositions collectives

Clert was active in the French Resistance during the Second World War.

Iris Clert FRIEZE MASTERS MICROSALON An Homage to Iris Clert

In 1961, Robert Rauschenberg, who would become one of the forerunners of the Neo-Dada movement, was invited to participate in an exhibition at the Galerie, in which the artists were to create and display a portrait of Iris Clert. Rauschenberg proceeded to send a telegram to the Galerie, containing the words "This is a portrait of Iris Clert if I say so/ Robert Rauschenberg". This was a significant move for Rauschenberg and the artistic community, signifying a step away from the Dadaist work of Marcel Duchamp and Jasper Johns - which tended to focus on the role of the observer in applying meaning to a work of art - and toward a more active role of the creator in defining art's meaning.

Iris Clert Boris Vansier Expositions collectives

Iris Clert wwwgaleriecreationcomirisclertiristimelart

Iris Clert Iris Clert Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


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