Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

Idaea fuscovenosa

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Scientific name
Idaea fuscovenosa



Idaea fuscovenosa 006 Idaea fuscovenosa Dwarf Cream Wave British Lepidoptera

Idaea ochrata, Idaea subsericeata, Small fan‑footed wave, Idaea emarginata, Riband wave

Idaea fuscovenosa, the dwarf cream wave, is a moth of the family Geometridae. It is found in the Palearctic,


Idaea fuscovenosa Hants Moths 70006 Dwarf Cream Wave Idaea fuscovenosa


Idaea fuscovenosa File1705 Dwarf Cream Wave Idaea fuscovenosa 14442082174jpg

The species is widespread in Central and southern Europe. In the North the range extends up to England and Ireland, Denmark, South Sweden and the southern Baltic Sea region.It is found in the West of the Iberian Peninsula. East it extends to Asia minor, the Ukraine, (European) Russia and the Caucasus. It occurs also on the large Mediterranean islands, Corsica (corsula Schawerda,1929), Sardinia and Sicily. Earlier reports from North Africa are assigned today to Idaea bigladiata. In the North the species occurs from sea level is to about 500 meters asl. In the Southern Alps it rises 1000 m above sea level, in Corsica up to 2000 m above sea level.


Idaea fuscovenosa Hants Moths 70006 Dwarf Cream Wave Idaea fuscovenosa

The species has a wingspan of 19–22 mm. The length of the forewings is 9–11 mm. The forewings are relatively wide, the rear edge of the hindwing is slightly concave between the median veins. The ground colour is whitish to light brown. The costa is often greyish brown on the basal half. The wavy crosslines are well developed and they end at the costa as black spots. There are two more wavy lines in the marginal field.Discal marks are almost always present on both fore and hindwings and black.


The adults fly in one generation from June to August [1].

The larvae feed on various types of moss, but also fallen leaves.

Idaea fuscovenosa Hants Moths 70006 Dwarf Cream Wave Idaea fuscovenosa

Idaea fuscovenosa prefer warm and dry habitats. In the North of the range the species is usually limited to sun-exposed hedge rows, dry forests and forest edges, grassy areas, gardens and uncultivated land.

Idaea fuscovenosa Dwarf Cream Wave Idaea fuscovenosa UKMoths

Idaea fuscovenosa httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsee


Idaea fuscovenosa Wikipedia

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