Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Hydrogen bromide

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Colorless gas

Hydrogen bromide

Boiling point
-66 °C

3.31 g/cm³


Molar mass
80.91 g/mol

Melting point
-87 °C

Soluble in

Hydrogen bromide Hydrogen bromide Wikipedia

Related compounds
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Hydrogen bromide is the diatomic molecule with the formula HBr. It is a colorless compound and a hydrogen halide. Hydrobromic acid is a solution of HBr in water. Both the anhydrous and aqueous solutions of HBr are common reagents in the preparation of bromide compounds.


Hydrogen bromide Illustrated Glossary of Organic Chemistry Hydrogen bromide HBr

HBr is very soluble in water, forming hydrobromic acid solution, which is saturated at 68.85% HBr by weight at room temperature. Aqueous solutions that are 47.6% HBr by weight form a constant-boiling azeotrope mixture that boils at 124.3 °C. Boiling less concentrated solutions releases H2O until the constant boiling mixture composition is reached.

Hydrogen bromide httpsiytimgcomviKbhrGxheWUAhqdefaultjpg

Uses of HBr

Hydrogen bromide Hydrogen bromide ReagentPlus 99 SigmaAldrich

Hydrogen bromide and hydrobromic acid are important reagents in the production of inorganic and organic bromine compounds. The free-radical addition of HBr to alkenes gives alkyl bromides:

RCH=CH2 + HBr → R-CHBr–CH3
Hydrogen bromide Hydrogenhydrogen bromide WebElements Periodic Table

These alkylating agents are precursors to fatty amine derivatives. Similar free radical addition to allyl chloride and styrene gives 1-bromo-3-chloropropane and phenylethylbromide, respectively.

Hydrogen bromide reacts with dichloromethane to give bromochloromethane and dibromomethane, sequentially:

HBr + CH2Cl2 → HCl + CH2BrCl HBr + CH2BrCl → HCl + CH2Br2

Allyl bromide is prepared by treating allyl alcohol with HBr:


Other reactions

Hydrogen bromide Illustrated Glossary of Organic Chemistry Hydrogen bromide HBr

Although not widely used industrially, HBr adds to alkenes to give bromoalkanes, an important family of organobromine compounds. Similarly, HBr adds to haloalkene to form a geminal dihaloalkane. (This type of addition follows Markovnikov's rule):

RC(Br)=CH2 + HBr → RC(Br2)–CH3

HBr also adds to alkynes to yield bromoalkenes. The stereochemistry of this type of addition is usually anti:

RC≡CH + HBr → RC(Br)=CH2

Also, HBr is used to open epoxides and lactones and in the synthesis of bromoacetals. Additionally, HBr catalyzes many organic reactions.

Potential applications

HBr has been proposed for use in a utility-scale flow-type battery.

Industrial preparation

Hydrogen bromide (along with hydrobromic acid) is produced by combining hydrogen and bromine at temperatures between 200-400 °C. The reaction is typically catalyzed by platinum or asbestos.

Laboratory synthesis

HBr can be synthesized by a variety of methods. It may be prepared in the laboratory by distillation of a solution of sodium bromide or potassium bromide with phosphoric acid or sulfuric acid:

KBr + H2SO4 → KHSO4 + HBr

Concentrated sulfuric acid is less effective because it oxidizes HBr to bromine:

2 HBr + H2SO4 → Br2 + SO2 + 2 H2O

The acid may be prepared by:

  • reaction of bromine with water and sulfur:
  • bromination of tetralin:
  • reduction of bromine with phosphorous acid:
  • Anhydrous hydrogen bromide can also be produced on a small scale by thermolysis of triphenylphosphonium bromide in refluxing xylene.

    Hydrogen bromide prepared by the above methods can be contaminated with Br2, which can be removed by passing the gas through a solution of phenol at room temperature in tetrachloromethane or other suitable solvent (producing 2,4,6-Tribromophenol and generating more HBr in the process) or through copper turnings or copper gauze at high temperature.


    HBr is highly corrosive and irritating to inhalation.


    Hydrogen bromide Wikipedia

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