Sneha Girap (Editor)

Hossein Ronaghi

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Hossein Ronaghi

Canadian senator speaks up for iranian prisoner hossein ronaghi maleki

Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki is an Iranian blogger and political dissident who was imprisoned in 2009 for his role in the post-election riots that erupted in Iran. He also wrote under the pen name Babak Khorramdin.


Hossein Ronaghi Hossein Ronaghi Maleki ulimuc

2009 Arrest

Hossein Ronaghi Hossein Ronaghi Maleki IRGC Intelligence unit has denied

Ronaghi-Maleki was quietly arrested along with his brother Hassan on December 13, 2009 for renewing proxies that allowed journalists and political activists to circumvent the government’s website bans following last year’s contested presidential elections. In jail, Ronaghi-Maleki’s health quickly deteriorated and he is in desperate need of an operation in a medical facility outside of prison. He was subjected to torture, as was his brother - who had no role in the protests.

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Ronaghi-Maleki suffers from heart and kidney problems, yet the prison guards have denied him medical assistance. When he went on a hunger strike to protest his maltreatment and torture, he was placed in solitary confinement. Though his brother was released, scarred by beatings, Ronaghi-Maleki remains in Evin prison today. He is under intense pressure to make a televised confession of his alleged wrongdoing. On October 3, Ronaghi-Maleki was handed a 15-year prison sentence. Neither his lawyer nor his family were present for the verdict.

Hossein Ronaghi Hossein Ronaghi Maleki39s prison sentence lalehsr

Maleki has since developed a kidney disease and undergone at least four operations. More than 100 of Maleki's fellow prisoners wrote a letter to the authorities warning that he would die if not provided with appropriate medical care.

Hossein Ronaghi httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Amnesty International designated Ronaghi a prisoner of conscience, stating that he appeared to be "held solely on account of his peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of expression". The organization called for him to be released immediately and unconditionally.

Hossein Ronaghi Fears grow for Iranian blogger on hunger strike World


Hossein Ronaghi Wikipedia

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