Neha Patil (Editor)

High Sheriff of Devon

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The High Sheriff of Devon is the Queen's representative for the County of Devon, a territory known as his/her bailiwick. Selected from three nominated people, they hold his office over the duration of a year. They have judicial, ceremonial and administrative functions and executes High Court Writs. The office historically was "Sheriff of Devon", changed in 1974 to "High Sheriff of Devon".



The office of Sheriff is the oldest under the crown. It is over 1000 years old, with its establishment before the Norman Conquest. It remained first in precedence in the counties, until the reign of Edward VII, when an Order in Council in 1908 gave the Lord-Lieutenant the prime office under the Crown as the Sovereign's personal representative. Under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972, on 1 April 1974 the office previously known as Sheriff was retitled High Sheriff. The High Sheriff remains the Sovereign's representative in the County for all matters relating to the Judiciary and the maintenance of law and order.

Sheriffs of Devon

  • Heche
  • 1068–1096: Baldwin de Moeles (or de Brionne)
  • 1135–1137: Richard filius Baldwin (Richard fitz Baldwin)
  • 1137–1142: Adelise (Alice) - wife of Richard fitz Baldwin
  • 1142: Adelise (Alice)
  • 1154–1157: Richard de Redvers, 2nd Earl of Devon
  • 1157–1160: William de Boterellis
  • 1161–1167: Hugh de Ralegh
  • 1167–1172: Robert filius Bernardi
  • 1173–1174: Reginald de Dunstanville, 1st Earl of Cornwall
  • 1175: William Rufus
  • 1177–1179: Hugh de Gundevilla
  • 1179–1189: William Briewere
  • 1193–1195: Sir Richard Reynolds with Henry de Furneaux
  • 1195–1197: Henry de Furneaux
  • 1198: William of Wrotham jointly with Torrington.
  • 1198 John de Torrington jointly with Wrotham
  • 1199: Hugh Bardulf
  • 1200: William Briewere
  • 1200: Ralph Morin
  • 1202–1208: William Briewere with Ralph de Mora
  • 1209–1215: Robert de Veteri Ponte replaced by Eudo de Bello Campo
  • 1215: Henry de la Pomeray
  • 1215: Robert de Erlegh
  • 1217: William, Earl of Salisbury
  • 1218: Robert de Alba Mara
  • 1218: Robert de Curtenai
  • 1222: Walter le Poer
  • 1224: William Brewer the younger/ Roger de Langeford
  • 1225: William de Ralega
  • 1228: Roger la Zouch
  • 1229: Adam de Cerne
  • 1230: Ranulph de Cerne
  • 1231: Thomas de Cyrencestria/ Thomas de la Wyle
  • 1232: Thomas de la Wyle
  • 1233: Robert de Vallibus, Richard de Langeford
  • 1234: Peter de Russell
  • 1234: Nicholas de Moels
  • 1236–1249: Walter of Bath
  • 1250–1251: Walter of Bathond
  • 1252/4/7: Ralph de Willington (of Umberleigh) (Rad(olf)us de Wilton). Sheriff in 39 Henry III (1254) per Risdon, 42 Henry III(1257) per Burke.
  • 1253–1255: William of Englefeurd
  • 1256–1257: Gerald de Horton and Henry de Horton (son of Gerald)
  • 1258–1259: William de Curcensay
  • 1260–1261: Rad'us Lodescomb
  • 1262–1269: Rad'us de Esse
  • 1270: William de Bikels
  • 1272–1273: Thomas Delpin
  • 1276: Matthew de Eggleshill
  • 1277: Thomas Delpin
  • 1278–1279: Warenus de Sechevile
  • 1280–1285: Thomas Delpin
  • 1286: William de Munketun and Roger de Ingepen
  • 1287: Robert de Wodton
  • 1288–1291: Matthew son of John
  • 1292: Matthew and Thomas
  • 1293–1301: Gilbert de Knovill
  • References

    High Sheriff of Devon Wikipedia

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