Sneha Girap (Editor)

Hamid Rashidi

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Hamid Rashidi

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Hamid Rashidi - Vathti Ke To Mikhandi (حمید رشیدی به نام وقتی که تو میخندی)

Hamid Rashidi (born December 1961, Abadan), Lawyer and contemporary writer, essayists, the first writer of water & Power laws and the first encyclopedic writer in power laws. He has written the first book on philosophy of the wetlands Law in three volumes. The third volume of this book is about the rules of the wetlands Law which examines and explores 31 legal rules in 31 chapters and for the first time, places the juridical rules and doctrines which can be an interpreter of the rights of water and wetlands Law, at the disposal of the readers. Hamid Rashidi has been recording and studying the compilation of a legal dictionary for the past 25 years


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Omid Rashidi & Hamid Rashidi Gole Naaz


Hamid Rashidi Hamid Rashidi To Hamooni Ke

Hamid Rashidi was born in the Abolhassan area in Abadan. After completing high school at Abadan Razi/or Rhazes or Rasis high school, he was employed by Khuzestan Province Water & Power Authority Board in 1983 and as a legal representative followed up the organization’s lawsuits. He realized that the Iranian society is in need of a water and Power legal terminology. He therefore committed to studying in this field and succeeded in providing the first legal dictionary for the Power and water industry in 1999 with the assistance of the Khuzestan Water & Power Authority Board and the Dadgostar publications. This dictionary was announced as the book of the year in the first round of the “Book of the Year” award in Khuzestan in the Winter of 2001 after two rounds of judgments by the head office of the Khuzestan Islamic Guidance and Culture. In Autumn of 2002, this dictionary was reprinted due to popular demand. The writer then tried to place the “Fair distribution of water law in Iran’s law mirror” or “Law of Equal Water – distribution in Iran” book at the disposal of the public which is a two volume book of describing and interpreting water laws and is in fact a scientific guide to water laws and he also tried to provide new solutions. This book was published by Dadgostar publications in 2003 and the second edition was brought out in the Autumn of 2008 with more than 100 pages entitled Additions and Supplements. Hamid Rashidi while continuing his master's degree in private law, during five years he spent day and night to write his book “Philosophy of Marshland Laws” in three volumes which was published by Mizan publishers during the Winter of 2010 and was patronized by the Khuzestan Water & Electricity Board. This book includes a comparative study of domestic and international laws and the relation between wetlands and surface and underground waters and the environment. Hamid Rashidi is one of the first writers of philosophy of the wetlands Law and the environment who has written the above books on his own. One of the main passions of this Iranian writer is for water laws and solving the water problems of the country and the future international water crisis and protecting the environment and our species. Hamid Rashidi is one of the hardest working contemporary writers and is currently writing the largest legal dictionaries or encyclopedias. He has over 20,000 notes and has typed over 3,000 of them himself and is currently editing and revising them. He himself comments that “the legal terminology is the result of 25 years of studies, note taking from books and various sources in various legal courses. In case of this work being printed, it will be the largest encyclopedia of Iranian law.(Hamid Rashidi, philosophy of the wetlands Law, 1st Vol. autobiography Chapter pages 46-47, Mizan publishers, first edition 2010)

Hamid Rashidi has been lecturing since 1994 in some legal subjects and water rights as well as writing. He has been lecturing for two years in philosophy and general water laws in the manpower capacity building project in the water section at Power and Water University of Technology(PWUT) in the country(Islamic republic of Iran) with the assistance of the UNESCO-IHE under the title of “Training & Capacity Building for Water & Wastewater Sector in Iran Home”, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education Files for the National Water Board MSC students in Tehran and with coordination with his Dutch counterpart (short-term course). He has also been lecturing in the Power and Water University of Technology(PWUT) on invitation from the college and the main specialist company of Iran water resources in the first half of 2011 (Hamid Rashidi,philosophy of the wetlands Law. 1st Vol. autobiography Chapter, pages 49 onward, Mizan Publishers, 1st edition 2010)

He also lectured in philosophy of water laws, civil responsibilities of employees and the philosophy of irrigation network limits to the personnel of irrigation network utilization company of Gotvand in 2008Lecturing civil and penal responsibility of employees to the employees of utilization company of dam and power station of Maroon irrigation network in 2009. Arranging seminar on legal effects of lack environmental evaluation of water resource projects in the regional irrigation and drainage committee of Khuzestan in 2007. Writing and lecturing general laws of water for managers and experts at legal departments of regional water companies of the country in the research and management training institution of the Ministry of Power in Karaj during 2007 and 2008. Compiling topic for lecturing water rights and submitting to the Iranian Water Resources Management Company and its ratification by the said company. Consultant lecturer at Ashraf Alsadat Kashani, student of MA in financial management: thesis on scrutiny of reasons and results of revocation and end of water development projects of the Khuzestan Water & Power Board and cooperation with research and management training institutions of the Ministry of Power in 2005–2006

Written and published works

• Dictionary of legal terms for water & Power industry (in 863 pages), with the introduction of Dr. Goodarz Eftekhar Jahromi

• Law of Equal Water - distribution in Iran. .

• Encyclopedia of power Rights .

• philosophy of the wetlands Law : three volumes with the introduction of Dr. Hussein Mehrparvar lecturer at Shahid Beheshti Law College

• Source of Water rights

• Introduction of other books in official portals

• Other documents

Published articles

• A glance at rights of water & Power industry, printed in scientific journal of Khuzestan water & Power industry training center. • The Legal shortfalls of River Engineering Law in Iran • The Borders of lands, mentioned in scientific journal of Khuzestan water & Power industry training center 1998. • Necessity of compiling great encyclopedia of Iran laws, mentioned in law and society magazine in 1998.


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