Rahul Sharma (Editor)

HMS Florizel (J404)

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HMS Florizel (J404)

Laid down
27 Jan 1943

Construction started
27 January 1943

56 m

857,300 kg

24 March 1942

14 Apr 1944

20 May 1943

960.2 tons

Associated Shipbuilders

HMS Florizel (J404) httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Out of service
14 Dec 1946 Sold to Greece

1947 Merchant Ship Aida 1959 HNS Lasithi

HMS Florizel (J404), US pennant No. BAM-26, was an Auk-class minesweeper ordered by the US Navy to be supplied to the Royal Navy (RN) under Lend-lease. Florizel was built by Associated Ship Builders at Harbour Island, Seattle, Washington, USA and commissioned by the Royal Navy as Pennant No. J404. She was ordered 24 March 1942, laid down 27 January 1943, launched 20 May 1943 and commissioned 14 April 1944.


1944 Collision

On 10 December 1944 HMS Charlestown collided with Florizel off Harwich, England. Due to the Charlestown’s advanced age — the keel was laid more than 26½ years earlier — and the pressing need for experienced crews on newer warships, the Royal Navy declined repairs. Florizel survived the encounter and returned to duty.


T/A/Lt.Cdr James Martin Smith RNR took Command of Florizel 14 March 1944. He Commanded her for the launch, commissioning and sailing to England. A/Cdr Michael Anthony Biddulph, DSC, OBE, RN, Commanded Florizel from 5 August 1944 to December 1946. While in command of Florizel a Mentioned in Dispatches (MID) was awarded for courage and skill in minesweeping operations in the approaches to Le Havre, France, 23 Jan 1945. Also, while in command, he was appointed OBE 1946 Birthday Honours. He retired 30 Jan 1947 after Florizel was sold to Greece 14 Dec 1946.

Post war history

  • 14 Dec 1946 Sold to Greece
  • 1947 Renamed Merchant Ship Aida
  • (1952) Converted to a cargo ship
  • 1959 Renamed HNS Lasithi
  • 1967 Broken up in Messina
  • Other ships named Florizel

  • SS Florizel a passenger ship commissioned in 1909 and sank off of St. John's, Newfoundland.
  • SS Empire Florizel (169503) was a short lived UK transport ship launched 21 April 1943 and was bombed and sunk on 21 Jul 1943 off Augusta, Sicily.
  • References

    HMS Florizel (J404) Wikipedia

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