Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Gorr (comics)

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Marvel Comics

George Pérez, Roy Thomas

New Men

Team affiliations
New Men

Fictional universe
Marvel Universe

Gorr (comics) static5comicvinecomuploadsoriginal666303310

Created by
Roy Thomas and George Pérez

Uplifted Golden Gorilla

Super-Strength Human-Level Intellect

First appearance
Fantastic Four #171 (Jun 1976)

Desak, Growing Man, Fafnir, Perrikus, Quicksand

Gorr is the name of two fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. There have been two villians named Gorr: Gorr the Golden Gorilla and Gorr the God Butcher.


Gorr (comics) Gorr Character Comic Vine

Publication history

Gorr first appeared in Fantastic Four #171-175 (June–October 1976), and was created by Roy Thomas and George Pérez.

The character subsequently appears in Marvel Two-in-One #63 (May 1980), and Quasar #14-16 (September–November 1990).

Fictional character biography

Gorr is a golden gorilla given human intelligence and greatly increased strength by the High Evolutionary.

Gorr (comics) Thor God of Thunder 10 Retcon Punch

Fearing that Galactus was about to destroy his creation Counter-Earth, the High Evolutionary created Gorr and sent him to Earth to seek the aid of the Fantastic Four. However, when he arrived on Earth, Gorr became inexplicably mutated into a King Kong-sized monstrosity and went on a rampage through Manhattan, climbing to the top of the Chrysler Building. When the Fantastic Four intervened, Gorr duped them into coming aboard his ship and transported them to Counter-Earth. The Fantastic Four, High Evolutionary, and Gorr were unable to convince Galactus not to destroy Counter-Earth, though Galactus challenged them to find a replacement within 48 hours. Gorr and the Human Torch found an Earth-like planet, which turned out to be inhabited by Skrulls. The Skrulls abandoned the planet after an altercation with Gorr, leaving the planet uninhabited and thus worthless to Galactus. Ultimately, the Impossible Man convinced Galactus to devour his own planet of Poppup instead. Gorr remained with the High Evolutionary as a "valet."

Gorr (comics) Gorr comics Wikipedia

Much later, Gorr became a prisoner/research project of the Stranger, held captive on his laboratory world alongside Stranger's other prisoners. When the Overmind attacked the Stranger, he freed the Stranger's captives including Gorr who escaped.

Powers and abilities

Gorr (comics) Thor God of Thunder 6 The Origins of Gorr the God Butcher YouTube

Gorr is a golden-colored gorilla given human intelligence and greatly increased strength by the High Evolutionary. Gorr also has an immunity to fire.

Publication history


Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic decided to reboot the Thor franchise during the Marvel Now initiative. Gorr first appeared in Thor: God of Thunder #2 (January, 2013). This story arc was voted as the 8th best Thor story by Comicbook.com.

Fictional character biography

Gorr grew up on a nameless barren planet. When his mate and children died, he thought gods didn't exist. When he learned they do exist and didn't help him and his mate, he vowed to kill them all after acquiring the All-Black the Necrosword. He eventually finds young Odinson on Earth in Medieval Iceland. He nearly kills Thor, but a band of Vikings come to rescue him. Gorr escapes, but learns he needs help, so creates an army of shadow berserkers, then slowly and quietly eliminates more and more gods. In the present, Thor notices the missing gods and investigates their disappearances. This brings Gorr and Thor to another battle, but Gorr then teleports into the future, where an aged Thor is the last Asgardian defending the realm against the shadow berserkers. Gorr also brings into the future the young Thor and is about to set off the Godbomb. The Necrosword is actually a construct of Gorr's deceased son and despises what his father has turned into, so it gives Thor the power to adsorb the blast. Thor, the Avenger then uses two Moljnirs to kill Gorr.

Powers and abilities

Gorr's possesses the "All-Black the Necrosword", which according to Galactus, "carved the first dawn from the stone of the endless night." The blade allows its user to create wings, weapons, and a shroud out of darkness. He can create sharp tendrils that can kill any god, including Asgardians. The blade is later banished into a blackhole, but an elderly King Thor uses it to battle Galactus. Gorr also created the Godbomb, an anti-divinity armament designed to kill every god who had or ever would exist.


Gorr (comics) Wikipedia

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