Puneet Varma (Editor)

Good Hope Centre

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Sir Lowry Rd, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa

Cape Town International Conventi, District Six, District Six Museum, Castle of Good Hope, South African National

Change to good hope centre leaves cape communities without affordable venue

The Good Hope Centre in Cape Town, South Africa (1976) by Pier Luigi Nervi, is an exhibition hall and conference centre, with the exhibition hall comprising an arch with tie-beam on each of the four vertical facades and two diagonal arches supporting two intersecting barrel-like roofs which in turn were constructed from pre-cast concrete triangular coffers with in-situ concrete beams on the edges.


The city of Cape Town has budgeted approximately R3.5 million for the general upgrade of the venue. The venue hosts numerous events throughout the year from expo's to cultural performances. More recently it has hosted an international netball test, and will host the ITTF World Cadet finals.

The exhibition centre offers a wide range of spaces and a total of 4,500 square metres of space. As a sports arena the venue has a maximum capacity of 7,000.

Ctex career and training expo july 2013 good hope centre cape town


Good Hope Centre Wikipedia

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