Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Girls Venture Corps Air Cadets

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1940 - Present

Corps Commandant
Yvonne McCarthy

Girls Venture Corps Air Cadets httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommons77

Volunteer Youth Organisation

The Girls Venture Corps Air Cadets (GVCAC) is a voluntary uniformed youth organisation for girls aged between 11 and 20, It is also a registered charity, and by virtue of its work towards the personal and social development of young people, it is a member of The National Council for Voluntary Youth Services (NCVYS). The current Corps Director is Brenda Layne, MBE, and the Corps Commandant is Yvonne McCarthy. The GVCAC receives no funding from the Ministry of Defence (MoD). All adult staff members are subject to security and Criminal Records (CRB) checks.



  • Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Aviation and Aviation Awards
  • Challenge Award
  • Drill & Etiquette
  • Aviation
  • Service to the Community
  • Life Skills
  • Outdoor/Adventure activities
  • Interest/Skills
  • Physical Recreation
  • International Air Cadet Exchange (I.A.C.E)
  • Nijmegen Marches
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award

    The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme is a voluntary, non-competitive programme of practical, cultural and adventurous activities for young people aged 14–25. The Award programme consists of three levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each have differing criteria for entry and the level of achievement necessary to complete each award. Cadets who meet the age criteria can join the award scheme.

    Each award is broken down into 4 areas (5 for gold) which participants must complete successfully to receive their award. These are:-

  • Service
  • Helping others in the local community.

  • Expeditions
  • Training for, and planning of a journey.

  • Skills
  • Demonstrate ability in almost any hobby, skill or interest

  • Physical Recreation
  • Sport, dance and fitness.

  • Residential Project (Gold Award only)
  • A purposeful enterprise with young people not previously known to the participant.

    Cadets are often encouraged to achieve the Bronze, Silver and Gold awards as they progress through their cadet careers. Some cadets aged 16 or over used to be able to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh's Millennium Volunteers Award, this has now been overtaken by another authority and it is currently being reviewed on whether or not cadets will be able to undertake it as it has a new structure.

    The Award is widely recognised by employers as it helps demonstrate that award holders are keen to take on new challenges, have a higher level of self-confidence than their counterparts, have leadership qualities with the added experience of teamwork.

    Aviation Award

    There is opportunity for all Cadets within the GVCAC to undertake practical Gliding and Powered Flying this is underpinned by training courses in Aviation subjects and are an integral part of the Challenge Award as well as being an award within itself .

  • Air Discovery (from age 11 onwards)
  • Basic study and practical experiments
  • Air Ability (Ages 12–13) Introduction to:
  • Air Traffic Control
  • Weather
  • Engines
  • Flight and Navigation Theory
  • Air Proficiency (Ages 13+)
  • Air Traffic Control & Radio
  • Meteorology
  • Air Navigation
  • Propulsion & Theory of Flight
  • Air Brevet This gain this qualification a single specialist subject is studied:
  • Aeronautical Engineering (Engines)
  • Air Navigation
  • Drill and Etiquette

    The GVCAC, as a uniformed youth organization, sets itself and its members very high standards, including dress and behaviour. Drill (marching) is a vital part of encouraging teamwork, discipline, co-operation and self-confidence. Practicing drill is a means of instilling discipline and teamwork, it is also used in formal parades, for moving around military bases and moving cadets in a smart and orderly fashion. The Corps instills good manners and customs (Etiquette) into cadets behaviours this transfers into having respect for each other, their family and is often well received by prospective employers.

    Outdoor/Adventure Activities

    These include:

  • Camping
  • Expeditions
  • Survival
  • Orienteering
  • Archery
  • Wall Climbing
  • Shooting
  • Abseiling
  • Canoeing
  • Physical Recreation

    The GVCAC offers its several sporting activities and thus encourage its members to lead healthy lives.

  • Skiing
  • Pentathlon
  • Walking
  • Team Games
  • Football
  • Hockey
  • RAFA Flying Scholarship

    The Royal Air Force Association each year invites applications from both ATC and GVCAC for a limited number of flying scholarships. In 2008 Nicole Pogmore from Rotherham was successful in being awarded an RAFA scholarship.

    Ducat-Amos Gliding Scholarships

    In 2007 six grants were awarded to GVCAC Cadets which enabled attendance on a weekend course at a local gliding club. The scholarships were named after Air Commandant Barbara Ducat-Amos CB RRC (1921-2008), Director of Royal Air Force Nursing Service.


    The headquarters is situated in Tinsley, South Yorkshire, east of the Tinsley Viaduct at junction 34 of the M1 motorway, off the Tinsley Roundabout at the start of the A631. The Meadowhall Centre is nearby to the west.

    Cadet ranks

    As well as learning new skills by working through the GVCAC syllabus, experienced cadets can be awarded a rank. The GVCAC allows it's Cadets to take on responsibility and leadership as Non-commissioned Officers or NCOs.


  • Unit
  • Cap
  • Black Tie
  • Blue shirt
  • Blue RAF jumper
  • Brassard
  • Lightweight green trousers
  • Black shoes
  • Stable belt
  • Formal (As above but with)
  • RAF skirt
  • Camp uniform
  • Blue shirt or polo shirt
  • Navy blue sweatshirt
  • Lightweight green trousers
  • Black trainers
  • History

    The GVC has its origins in 1940 as part of the National Association of Training Corps for Girls, this umbrella organisation was responsible for the Girls Training Corps (GTC), Girls' Nautical Training Corps (GNTC) and Women’s Junior Air Corps (WJAC).

    First woman to break sound barrier

    Former Air Transport Auxiliary Pilot, Diana Barnato Walker became a pilot for the Women's Junior Air Corps (WJAC) shortly after the war, giving cadets training and air-experience flights to air-minded teenage girls to encourage them to enter the aviation industry. In July 1948, an aircraft that she was flying burst into flames at near White Waltham. Rather than bale out and lose the WJAC’s aircraft, she switch off the fuel and glided the aircraft back. In 1963 she undertook a flight in an English Electric Lightning, attaining 1,262 mph (Mach 1.65) in a two-seat T.4 trainer and thus became the first British woman to exceed the speed of sound.

    Girls Venture Corps

    In 1964 the Girls Venture Corps replaced both GTC and WJAC, the previous year (1963) the Girls Nautical Training Corps became more closely involved with the Sea Cadet Corps and in 1980 had become an integral part of the Sea Cadet Corps and they lost their individual identity. The Girls Venture Corps had two wings which basically followed the former GTC and WJAC either would sometimes share unit accommodation with both ACF and ATC, with Girls being allowed to join both the Army Cadet Force and Air Training Corps in around 1983 the GVAC had to decide on which activities to concentrate on, they chose air activities so the whole corps wore the same uniform. In 1987 the title of the organisation was changed to Girls Venture Corps Air Cadets.


    Girls Venture Corps Air Cadets Wikipedia

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