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Gabriel Bonnot de Mably

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April 2, 1785, Paris, France

Concerning the Rights and Duties of the Citizen

Etienne Bonnot de Condillac

Gabriel Bonnot de Mably | Wikipedia audio article

Gabriel Bonnot de Mably (Grenoble, 14 March 1709 – 2 April 1785 in Paris), sometimes known as Abbe de Mably, was a French philosopher, historian, and writer, who for a short time served in the diplomatic corps. He was a popular 18th century writer.



Mably was born to a noble legal family bearing the surname Bonnot. He had an older brother Jean and, with him, preferred to be called after the family's property at Mably, Loire, so they both took "de Mably" in their names. His younger brother Etienne preferred to be called after another family property, at Condillac, Drome. Condillac also became a noted writer and philosopher.

As was typical of men of their class, Mably's education included a Jesuit college. Early on, he pursued an ecclesiastical career, enrolling in a seminary at Saint-Sulpice. He abandoned that path to enter the diplomatic corps in 1742. His diplomatic career was a short one, ending in 1746. Afterwards, he focused on scholarly pursuits, for which he became the most known.

Mably and his family had a great influence on Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Rousseau at the age of thirty-seven, thanks to the connections of his patron Mme de Warrens, secured a job as tutor for two of the sons of his brother Jean Bonnot de Mably (who was then the provost general of police in the Lyon region). Both Gabriel Bonnot de Mably and his brother Condillac visited their brother and got to know Rousseau.

The historian Leo Damrosch explains that at this time, Abbe de Mably

"had just published a treatise comparing Roman institutions of government with French ones and celebrating the progress of civilization...Conversing with Mably, Condillac, [and friends he had met at Lyon's reading club] Parisot, Bordes, and their friends, Rousseau found himself in a stimulating intellectual milieu, and the studies he had put himself through in Chambery suddenly came to life."

Rousseau would remain lifelong friends with Mably and his family. Both Mably and his brother Condillac visited Rousseau when he moved to Montmorency, Val-d'Oise. Rousseau later reflected upon his experience tutoring Mably's nephews in writing the book Emile, or on Education.


Mably's most well-known work is Entretiens de Phocion, a dialogue first published in 1763, which introduced themes of his mature thought. Two of his works were published posthumously and they had a profound effect on the early deliberations on the assembly of the Estates-General of 1789: an enlarged version of his Histoire de France (first published in 1765), which was published in May 1789 to great acclaim. Authorities tried unsuccessfully to suppress it by confiscating many copies. Secondly, Des droits et des devoirs du citoyen, written in 1758, was also published after his death. He warned against events that later developed during the French Revolution.

These two works were seen to contribute to the later concepts of both communism and republicanism. He advocated the abolition of private property, which he saw as incompatible with sympathy and altruism, and conductive only to one's antisocial or egotistical instincts. Mably's writings contain a paradox: he praises elitist Plato, but also the enlightened Stoic views on natural human equality. Mably went further than the traditional Stoic argument that all men possessed a divine spark. He also went beyond the liberal concept of equality before the law, and argued for the equality of needs. He argued that virtue was more valued than the acquisition or possession of material wealth, and criticized idleness. He found an audience among those who were critical of the inherited wealth and privilege of the nobility, who did no work.

Mably's complete works were published in 15 volumes in 1794–1795, with an obituary/biography by Gabriel Brizard.

List of 18 published works by Gabriel Bonnot de Mably (1709–1785)

  • Parallele des Romains et des Francois par rapport au governement (1740)
  • Lettres a Madame la Marquise de P... sur l'Opera (1741)
  • Le droit public de l'Europe fonde sur les traites conclus jusqu'en l'annee 1740 (1746)
  • Observations sur les Grecs (1749)
  • Observations sur les Romains (1751)
  • Des principes des negociations pour servir au Droit public fonde sur les traites@ (1757)
  • Entretiens de Phocion, sur l'introduction de la morale avec la politique, traduits du grec de Nicocles, avec des remarques (1763)
  • Reponse de M. Abbe de Mably a M. Abbe Rome (1764)
  • Observations sur l'histoire de France, Books I – IV (1765)
  • Observations sur l'histoire de la Grece, ou Des causes de la Prosperite et des malheurs des Grecs (1766)
  • Doutes proposees aux philosophes economistes sur l' Ordre naturel et essentiel des societes politiques (1768)
  • Du commerce des grains (1775)
  • De l'etude de l'histoire a Monseigneur le prince de Parme Tome XVI du cours d'etudes pour l'instruction du Prince de Parme, aujourd'hui S.A.R. l'Infant D. Ferdinand, duc de Parme, Plaisance, Gasuelle etc. par M. l'Abbe de Condillac (1775)
  • De la legislation, ou Principes des lois (1776)
  • Du gouvernement et des lois de la Pologne (1771 or 1776 ?)
  • De la maniere d'ecrire l'histoire (1783)
  • Principes de morale (1784)
  • Observations sur le gouvernement et les lois des Etats-Unis d'Amerique (1784)
  • Posthumous publications of individual works, published in 1786-1794

  • Observations sur l'histoire de France, nouvelle edition precedee de l'eloge historique de L'auteur par M. l'abbe Brizard (1788)
  • De la situation politique en Pologne en 1776
  • Le Banquet des politiques
  • De l'etude de la politique
  • Des maladies politiques et de leur traitement
  • Des droits et des devoirs du citoyen (1789; reprinted in 1793; written in 1758)
  • Du commerce des grains
  • De la superstition
  • Notre gloire et nos reves
  • De la paix d'Allemagne
  • De la mort de l'imperatrice-reine
  • L'oracle d'Apollon
  • Des talens
  • Du beau
  • Du developpement, des progres et des bornes de la raison
  • Le compte rendu
  • La retraite de M. Necker
  • Du cours et de la marche des passions dans la societe
  • Posthumous Complete works to 1795

  • Œuvres completes de l'Abbe Mably precedees nouvelle edition precedee de l'eloge historique de l'auteur par M. l'abbe Brizard, 12 vol., slightly incomplete London edition (1789)
  • Œuvres completes de l'abbe Mably, 19 vol.,Toulouse (Sens) & Nimes (Gaude) edition, (1791)
  • Œuvres completes de l'abbe Mably, nouvelle edition; revue, corrigee et augmentee, 19 vols. Toulouse (Sens) & Nimes (Gaudeedition), (1793)
  • Collection complete des œuvres de l'abbe Mably, 15 vols. Paris edition (Desbrieres), (1794/1795) more complete than previous editions.
  • Recent Translations in English by Simon de Vries

  • Concerning the Rights & Duties of the Citizen – Comtal Publications, 2008 – ISBN 0-9557974-0-3
  • Letters to Madame the Marchioness of P **** on the Opera – Comtal Publications, 2010 – ISBN 978-0-9557974-1-5
  • References

    Gabriel Bonnot de Mably Wikipedia

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