Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Frankfurter Zeitung

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Frankfurter Zeitung

The Frankfurter Zeitung ( [ˈfʁaŋkfʊɐ̯tɐ ˈt͡saɪtʊŋ]) was a German language newspaper that appeared from 1856 to 1943. It emerged from a market letter that was published in Frankfurt. In Nazi Germany it was considered the only mass publication not completely controlled by the Propagandaministerium under Joseph Goebbels.



In 1856, German writer and politician Leopold Sonnemann purchased a struggling market publication in Germany called the Frankfurter Geschäftsbericht (also known as Frankfurter Handelszeitung). Sonnemann changed its name to Neue Frankfurter Zeitung (later simply Frankfurter Zeitung) and assumed the duties of publisher, editor, and contributing writer. The new title incorporated political news and commentary, and by the time of the foundation of the German Empire in 1871, the Frankfurter Zeitung had become an important mouthpiece of the liberal bourgeois extra-parliamentary opposition. It advocated peace in Europe before 1914 and during World War I. In Constantinople, Paul Weitz, a strong critical of German militarism and secret collaboration with the genocidal politics of the Young Turks, was the head of the bureau, and his close associates were Max Rudolf Kaufmann, a Swiss born journalist, who was arrested and deported in 1916 for his criticism of German militarism and letters by him to Berlin which reported the deplorable state of the Turkish army in the Caucasus, and last but not least Dr. Friedrich Schrader, a journalist with (in 1914) more than two decades of experience in Constantinople who commanded all major languages of Southeastern Europe and the Middle East, and contributed a lot especially about modern Turkish culture and literature.

During the period of the Weimar Republic, the paper was treated with hostility by nationalist circles because it had pronounced itself in favour of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. At that time it no longer stood in opposition to the government and supported Gustav Stresemann's policy of reconciliation.

The Frankfurter Zeitung was one of the few democratic papers of that time. It was known in particular for its Feuilleton section, edited by Benno Reifenberg, in which works of most of the great minds of the Weimar Republic were published.

Nazi era

After the 1933 assumption of power by the Nazis, several Jewish contributors had to leave the Frankfurter Zeitung, such as Siegfried Kracauer and Walter Benjamin. The paper was finally sold in June 1934 to the chemical corporation IG Farben. The company's directors, particularly Carl Bosch, were well-disposed toward the paper because of its traditional place in German life, and believed it could be useful in promoting favorable publicity for the company.

Because it was convenient for public relations abroad, the paper was initially protected by Hitler and Josef Goebbels and it retained more editorial independence than the rest of the press in the Third Reich. However, within a few years IG Farben gave up on its newspaper: inexorably, it had become compromised by the increasing oversight of the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda and was quickly losing its journalistic reputation internationally. As well, the company directors realized that it no longer needed to influence domestic public opinion, "since there was effectively no public opinion left in Germany." The paper was quietly sold and subsumed by a subsidiary of the Nazi publishing organ, Eher Verlag, in 1938. Faced with declining readership throughout the Second World War, it was closed down entirely in August, 1943.

Postwar era

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung considers itself a successor organisation to the original Zeitung, as many former journalists of the earlier paper helped launch it in 1949.

Notable contributors to the Frankfurter Zeitung

  • Theodor W. Adorno
  • Muhammad Asad as Leopold Weiss
  • Walter Benjamin
  • Franz Blei
  • Margret Boveri
  • Alfred Döblin
  • Lion Feuchtwanger
  • Erich Kästner
  • Max Rudolf Kaufmann, (correspondent in Constantinople before 1918)
  • Editha Klipstein
  • Annette Kolb
  • Siegfried Kracauer
  • Ernst Kreuder
  • Heinrich Mann
  • Thomas Mann
  • Sándor Márai
  • Franz Mehring
  • Soma Morgenstern
  • Peretz Naftali
  • Kurt Offenburg
  • Alfred Polgar
  • Joseph Roth
  • Richard Sorge
  • Friedrich Schrader, (correspondent in Constantinople before 1918)
  • Anna Seghers
  • Heinrich Schirmbeck
  • Walter Schmiele
  • Dolf Sternberger
  • Max Weber
  • Paul Weitz, (correspondent in Constantinople before 1918)
  • Carl Zuckmayer
  • Stefan Zweig
  • References

    Frankfurter Zeitung Wikipedia

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