Puneet Varma (Editor)


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Years active
1983–1997, 2013


Foje Andrius Mamontovas amp Foje europopmusic

CCS IntermediaVilniaus plokštelių įrašų studijaBomba

Past members
Andrius MamontovasArnoldas LukošiusAlgis KriščiūnasDarius BurokasDarius TarasevičiusRomas RainysEugenijus PugačiukasSaulius ValikonisGediminas SimniškisJaunius BeinortasRobertas MeržvinskasRobertas Griškevičius

Kitoks pasaulis, Vandenyje, Geltoni krantai

New wave, Electronics in rock music, Dance-rock, Alternative rock

Andrius Mamontovas, Arnoldas Lukošius, Romas Rainys, Darius Tarasevičius, Darius Burokas

Foje geltoni krantai drum cover

Foje was one of the most successful and best known Lithuanian alternative rock / new wave bands.



Foje Andrius Mamontovas amp Foje europopmusic

Foje was formed in the present-day Antakalnis Secondary School in Vilnius by Andrius Mamontovas, Arnoldas Lukošius and Darius Tarasevičius in 1983 under the name of Sunki Muzika ("Hard Music"), few months later Algis Kriščiūnas joined the band. In 1984 it was renamed to Foje (literal meaning: "foyer"). Through its years, the band survived a number of lineup changes, and released over 10 albums.

Foje Foje Discography at Discogs

The group cited several influences, including the sound of The Stranglers, as well as the 1980s post-punk movement (for example the notable nod to Depeche Mode on Foje's 1989 electronica album Žodžiai į Tylą). These influences were combined with the often gloomy, desperate lyrics of the band's mastermind Andrius Mamontovas.

Foje Foje As noriu buti laisvas koncertas 1988 YouTube

In 1997 the band finally decided to disband and performed 3 huge farewell gigs in Lithuanian cities of Klaipėda, Kaunas and Vilnius, with the attendance of 60,000 in the final performance on 17 May in Vingis Park of Vilnius. After disbanding the band's leader Andrius Mamontovas started a solo career.

Two of the band's songs - Laužo šviesa ("The Light of the Bonfire") (1986) and Meilės nebus per daug ("There will not be too much love") (1994) - were voted by the media professionals into the Top 20 best Lithuanian songs of the 20th century in 2000.


  • Andrius Mamontovas (1983–1997) - vocals, Guitar, Drums, Keyboards
  • Arnoldas Lukošius (1983–1989, 1992–1997) - Keyboards, Accordion
  • Algis Kriščiūnas (1983–1985, 1992–1997) - drums
  • Darius Burokas (1986–1988, 1990–1997) - Bass, Keyboards
  • Darius Tarasevičius (1983–1985) - Bass
  • Romas Rainys (1985–1988) Bass, Guitar
  • Eugenijus Pugačiukas (1985–1991) - Drums
  • Saulius Valikonis (1986–1988, 1989–1991) - Saxophone
  • Gediminas Simniškis (1988–1989) - Bass
  • Jaunius Beinortas† (1988–1989) - Guitar
  • Robertas Meržvinskas (1988–1989) - Saxophone
  • Robertas Griškevičius† (1989–1990) - Keyboards
  • Discography

  • 1989 - Geltoni Krantai (Yellow Shores) (MC)
  • 1990 - Žodžiai Į Tylą (Words Into Silence) (LP, MC)
  • 1991 - Gali Skambėti Keistai (It Might Sound Strange) (LP, CD, MC) - first CD album in Lithuanian music history
  • 1992 - Kitoks Pasaulis (A Different World) (LP, CD, MC)
  • 1993 - Vandenyje (In The Water) (LP, CD, MC)
  • 1994 - Tikras Garsas (The Real Sound) (MC)
  • 1994 - M-1 (dancemixes) (CD, MC)
  • 1994 - Aš Čia Esu (I Am Here) (MC)
  • 1994 - Aš Čia Esu (LP Picture Disc)
  • 1995 - Kai Perplauksi Upę (When You Swim Across The River) (CD, MC)
  • 1995 - Live On The Air (MC)
  • 1996 - 1982 (MC, CD)
  • 1997 - The Flowing River EP (CD)
  • 1997 - Mokykla (School) (MC)
  • 1999 - Vilnius - Kaunas - Klaipėda (CD, MC)
  • 2002 - Paveikslas (The Picture) (CD, MC)
  • 2006 - Kita Paveikslo Pusė (The Other Side of the Picture) (CD)
  • 2013 - AM+FOJE=30 (AM - Andrius Mamontovas) (CD)
  • Used Synthesizers

  • Junost-73 (Early group years.)
  • Vermona Piano Strings (Early group years.)
  • Polivoks (Early group years.)
  • Yamaha DX7 (Used in Jaunimo Estrada-88)
  • Roland JD-800 (1991-1997, 2013)
  • Roland JV-30 (1991-1997)
  • Korg X50 (2013 Used in AM+FOJE=30 concert tours)
  • Novation Bass Station II (2013 Used in AM+FOJE=30 concert tours)
  • Edirol (2013 Used in AM+FOJE=30 concert tours)

  • Songs

    Laužo šviesaGeltoni krantai · 1989
    Paskutinis traukinys1982 · 1996
    Meilės nebus per daugKai perplauksi upę · 1994


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