Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Florence Seyvos

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Arnaud Desplechin

Florence Seyvos Florence Seyvos Pushkin Press

Pochée, Les apparitions, Pockety: The Tortoise Who Lived As She Pleased, Gratia

Prix Goncourt du Premier Roman, Prix Renaudot paperback

César Award for Best Writing - Original, Prix Femina des lycéens

Camille Rewinds, Feelings, Let's Dance, Life Doesn’t Scare Me

Claude Ponti, Anaïs Vaugelade, Noémie Lvovsky, Maud Ameline, Arnaud Desplechin

Florence Seyvos (born 1967 Lyon) is a French novelist, and screenwriter. Her films have been successful in French and in English.


Florence Seyvos Florence Seyvos auteur de Le garon incassable Babelio


Florence Seyvos httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Seyvos was born in Lyon in 1967 and lived in northern France. Seyvos publish her first book for children after winning first prize in a short story competition. She has also written novels including Les Apparitions which was awarded the Prix Goncourt du premier roman) and Un Garçon Incassable.

Seyvos collaborates on many of her screenplays with Noémie Lvovsky, including Sentiments (no) and Camille Redouble.

She has lived in the Ardennes, in Ivory Coast, Le Havre and Paris.


  • 1987 Lauréate du PJE
  • 1995 Prix Goncourt First Novel
  • Prix France Télévision
  • Works

    Florence Seyvos Florence Seyvos

  • Gratia, Éditions de l'Olivier, 1992, ISBN 9782879290362
  • Les Apparitions, Éditions de l'Olivier, 1995, ISBN 9782879290737
  • L'Abandon, Éditions de l'Olivier, 2002, ISBN 9782879293530
  • Young Adult

    Florence Seyvos FlorenceSeyvosnbjpg Photographe Salon de Provence Reportages

  • Nanouk et moi, L'Ecole des Loisirs, 2010, ISBN 9782211098038
  • L'Ami du Petit Tyrannosaure, l'École des loisirs, 2005, ISBN 9782211081757
  • Pochee, l'École des loisirs, 1998, ISBN 9782211044387
  • Filmography

  • 2003 Feelings
  • 1999 Life Doesn't Scare Me
  • 2007 Faut que ça danse!
  • 1997 Les années lycée: Petites (TV)

  • Florence Seyvos Florence Seyvos La sainte famille YouTube


    Florence Seyvos Wikipedia

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