Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Fegen (lake)

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Fegen (lake) httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Fegen is a lake and nature reserve in Sweden. The lake has a surface area of 24 km2 and a maximum depth of 38 meters. The lake is situated in the traditional provinces (landskap in Swedish) Halland, Småland and Västergötland. Their boundaries meet approximately in the middle of the lake.


Map of Fegen, 512 61 Kalv, Sweden

The village Fegen is located on the south side of the lake, the village Sandvik on the northeast side.

Nature reserve

The nature reserve Fegen covers an area of 9.7 km2, partly lake, islands and surrounding land. The nature reserve was established in 1980.


Fegen (lake) Wikipedia

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