Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Eugene Lee (designer)

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Eugene Lee

Set designer

Brooke Lee

Eugene Lee (designer) Scenic Designer Lee to Receive Distinguished Achievement Award

ADG Excellence in Production Design Award for Television - Episode of a Multi-Camera Television Series

Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Art Direction for a Multi-Camera Series

Production designed
Vanya on 42nd Street, Easy Money, Mr. North

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Eugene Lee (Scenic Designer) was born in Beloit, Wisconsin, in 1939. He attended Beloit Memorial High School. He has been resident designer at Trinity Repertory Company in Providence, Rhode Island, since 1967. He has BFA degrees from the Art Institute of Chicago and Carnegie Mellon University, an MFA from Yale Drama School and three honorary Ph.Ds. Mr. Lee has won Tony Awards for Bernstein’s Candide, Sondheim’s Sweeney Todd, and Wicked, as well as the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Set Design. He is the production designer for NBC’s Saturday Night Live. Other New York theatre work includes Amazing Grace, Alice in Wonderland, The Normal Heart, Agnes of God, Ragtime, Uncle Vanya, Ruby Sunrise, Bounce, and A Number. Film credits include Coppola’s Hammett, Huston’s Mr. North and Malle’s Vanya on 42nd Street. Mr. Lee is an adjunct professor at Brown University, resident set designer at Trinity Repertory Company, and lives with his wife Brooke in Providence, where they raised their two sons.


Eugene Lee (designer) Timeline Eugene Lee a scenic designer

Perhaps his most notable recent credit is the set design for The Pirate Queen. He worked with lighting designer Kenneth Posner both on Wicked and The Pirate Queen.

Eugene Lee (designer) Everything Scenic Designer Spotlight Eugene Lee 1 Ragtime 2

His work on the musical Candide at the Chelsea Theater Center of Brooklyn and on Broadway are chronicled in great detail in Davi Napoleon's book, Chelsea on the Edge: The Adventures of an American Theater. The book also describes his work on Slave Ship and other productions at the Chelsea.

Eugene Lee (designer) httpswwwwickedthemusicalcoukmediaimagescr

Lee is also a member of the American Theater Hall of Fame, having been inducted in 2006.

The imaginative design of eugene lee


Eugene Lee (designer) Wikipedia

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