Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Elisabeta Polihroniade

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Elisabeta Polihroniade

Chess Player

Elisabeta Polihroniade DE NECREZUT Elisabeta Polihroniade a lovit dou persoane

Şah-Mat la TVR1: Elisabeta Polihroniade vs Patricia Anne Sunnucks, Medellin 1974

Elisabeta Polihroniade ([elisaˈbeta polihroniˈade]; née Ionescu; 24 April 1935 – 23 January 2016) was a Romanian chess player holding the title of Woman Grandmaster (WGM), and an International Arbiter (1986). She was born in Bucharest.


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She won the Romanian Women's Championship in 1966, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1975, 1976 and 1977. Polihroniade played for Romania in the Women's Chess Olympiads of 1966, 1969, 1972, 1974, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986 and 1988.

Elisabeta Polihroniade Elisabeta Polihroniade invitat de onoare la turneul de

Her peak rating was 2310, achieved in January 1988, while the last one was 2195.

Elisabeta Polihroniade httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Polihroniade was a journalist and broadcaster, with her own daily radio programme on contemporary culture. She was the editor of Gambit, the Romanian chess magazine, and wrote many books.

Elisabeta Polihroniade Elisabeta Polihroniade a lovit doua persoane la Adunarea

Elisabeta polihroniade de ce domina barbatii sahul

Notable chess games

  • Valentina Kozlovskaya vs Elisabeta Polihroniade, 3rd olw final 1966, Modern Defense (A42), 0-1
  • Elisabeta Polihroniade vs Leonid Shamkovich, Cup World (open) 1989, Sicilian Defense (B43), 1-0
  • References

    Elisabeta Polihroniade Wikipedia

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