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Edward Sandoyan

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Edward Sandoyan

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June 4, 1961 Yerevan, Armenia (

Sandoyan Է Սանդոյան Ուրվագիծ 02 10 2013

Edward Sandoyan (Armenian: Էդվարդ Սանդոյան) (born June 4, 1961 in Yerevan, Armenia), doctor of Economic Sciences of the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation, professor, served as Minister of Finance & Economy of the Republic of Armenia from 1998 to 1999.



  • 1993–1994 - Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Studies for the doctoral degree in economics
  • 1983–1987 - Yerevan State Polytechnic Institute, Yerevan, Postgraduate Studies, Department of Economics, Organization & Management in National Economy and Branches
  • 1981–1983 - Yerevan State Polytechnic Institute, Yerevan, Department of Economics & Management in Machine-Building Industry. Diploma with Honors.
  • 1978–1981 - Moscow Management Institute, Moscow, Department of Management in Machine-Building Industry
  • 1968–1978 - Secondary School N 71, Yerevan, Certificate of Excellence & Gold Medal.
  • Professional experience

  • May 2012 to present - Director, Head of the Academic Council of the Institute of Economics and Business at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, Yerevan
  • June 2004 – May 2012 - Vice Rector for University Education Development at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University, Yerevan
  • March 2002 to present - Head of the Department of "Economy and Finance", Member of the Academic Council at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University, Yerevan
  • September 2009 to present - Head of Business School at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University, Yerevan
  • May 2004 – February 2005 - Advisor to chairman of the board at Armsavingsbank CJSC
  • September 2001 – April 2004 - Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board,Chairman of the Strategic Development Committee at Armsavingsbank CJSC
  • June 2003 – May 2004 - Price water house Coopers (IBM Business Consulting Services – USAID), Capital Markets Development Project in Armenia, Advisor
  • February 2001 – April 2003 - Armenian Stock Exchange SRO "Armex" (NASDAQ OMX Armenia), Yerevan, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
  • January 2000 – May 2004 - Yerevan State Institute of Economics, Yerevan, Associate Professor (docent), Labour Economics Faculty
  • December 2000 – November 2002 - Association of Armenian Banks, Yerevan, Deputy chairman
  • 1999–2000 - Armagrobank jsc, Yerevan, CEO & chairman of the board
  • 1998–1999 - Government of the Republic of Armenia, Minister of Finance & Economy of the Republic of Armenia
  • 1994–1998 - Central Bank of Armenia, Head, Main Department of Supervision, Regulation and Licensing
  • 1993–1994 - Armaudit Service jsc, Yerevan, President - Albank Commercial Bank, Moscow, Deputy chairman
  • 1991–1993 - Tax Inspectorate of Armenia, Deputy Chief of the Inspectorate & Deputy Minister of RoA
  • 1988–1991 - Yerevan Polytechnic Institute (currently State Engineering University of Armenia), Yerevan, Associate Prof. (docent), -Faculty of Economics & Management of Machine-Building Industry -
  • 1988–1991 - Menua Insurance Company JSC, President
  • 1988–1991 - Massis Commercial Bank, Deputy chairman
  • 1986–1988 - Scientific Laboratory under the Ministry of Electro-Technical Industry of the USSR, Yerevan, Senior Researcher, Yerevan State Institute of National Economy (currently Yerevan State Institute of Economics), Yerevan, lecturer, then Associate Prof. (docent), Faculty of Labor Economics & Management
  • 1983–1986,Yerevan State Polytechnic Institute, Yerevan, Researcher, Faculty of Economics & Management in Machine-Building Industry
  • Summary of Qualifications

  • 1983 - Yerevan State Polytechnic Institute, Economist, "Economics & Management in Machine-Building Industry" specialization
  • 1987 - Supreme Committee for Certification of the USSR, Degree of Candidate of Economic Sc. (PhD)
  • 1991 - State Committee for Public Education of the USSR, Associate Professor (docent), Faculty of Economics & Management in Machine-Building Industry
  • February 21, 2001 - Securities Commission of the Republic of Armenia, Certificate No 0003 of Professional Qualification, (qualification for professional activity in the securities market)
  • June 1, 2007 - Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University, professor
  • March 26, 2008 - Supreme Committee for Certification of the RA, Degree of Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
  • July 2, 2008 - Supreme Committee for Certification of the RA, Professor (Economics)
  • May 29, 2009 - Federal Service on Supervision in an Education and Science, Russian Federation, Moscow, Degree of Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
  • Titles and awards

  • March 1, 2003 - State Engineering University of Armenia, Yerevan, Golden medal
  • November 27, 2008 - "Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists" Association, Astana, Kazakhstan, The academic title "Honorary Professor" of the "Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists" Association
  • March 10, 2009 - "Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists" Association, Astana, Kazakhstan, The winner of the competition of Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists for the best research on Internet Forum on the theme: “Economic security of Eurasia in the system of global risks” nominated in category “World financial crisis: causes and ways of mitigation its consequences”
  • August 12, 2010 - Ministry of Education and Science of the RA, Yerevan, Golden medal for academic and scientific achievements
  • June 4, 2011 - Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University, Yerevan, Golden medal
  • October 28, 2011 - Urals State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, RF, The academic title “Honorary Professor of the USUE”
  • March 29, 2013 - Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University, Yerevan, The award of the academician S.A. Sitaryan
  • May 22, 2013 - Corporate Foundation "Astana Club of Nobel Laureates", Astana, Kazakhstan -Yekaterinburg, RF, A team of young scientists under the supervision of E.M. Sandoyan was selected as the laureate of the Youth Grant of Astana Club of the Nobel Prize Laureates
  • June 26, 2013 - State Committee of Science at the Ministry of Education and Science of the RA, Yerevan, Winner of the "Best Scientist in Social Sciences – 2013" contest"
  • August 13, 2013 - The Ministry of Defence of the RA, Awarded with the medal of "Drastamat Kanayan"
  • November 15, 2013 - Office for the Coordination of the Fight Against Organized Crime and Other Dangerous Types of Crime on the Territory of CIS Participant-Countries, RF, Awarded with Jubilee Medal
  • December 4, 2014 - Decree of the President of the RA, Awarded with the medal of "Movses Khorenatsi"
  • February 12, 2015 - State Committee of Science at the Ministry of Education and Science of the RA, Yerevan, Winner of the "Best Scientist in Social Sciences – 2014" contest"
  • Scientific and professorial, law development activities

    Edward Sandoyan is author of 225 published academic papers, textbooks and manuals of more than 180 printer's sheet, as well as over 65 newspaper articles. Participated in the development of majority of Armenian laws and legislative documents covering banking and taxation; authored the banking regulation and supervision framework existing in the Republic of Armenia (1994–2003).

    1983 to present Academic Activities, total experience – 24 years; scientific adviser (mentor) of 5 postgraduate students. Prepared 23 candidates of Economic Science (PhDs) under my academic supervision. Participated in the development of majority of Armenian laws and legislative documents covering banking and taxation; authored the banking regulation and supervision framework existing in the Republic of Armenia.

    Additional activities

  • 2015 - 2017 - Scientific supervisor of the research paper “Modernization of the system of regulation of financial intermediary institutions in Armenia”, financed by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation for 2015-2017
  • January 1, 2014 to present - Specialized council 008 Supreme Committee for Certification of the RA under the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, Yerevan, Deputy Head of the Council.
  • January 1, 2014 to present - Specialized council 008 Supreme Committee for Certification of the RA under the European Regional Educational Academy, Yerevan, Member of the Council.
  • May 29, 2009 – to December 31, 2013 - Specialized council 014 Supreme Committee for Certification of the RA under the Armenian State Economic University, Yerevan, Member of the Council.
  • September 2010 – to December 31, 2013 - Joint Council DM 212.346.02 Supreme Committee for Certification of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF on doctoral and candidate dissertations under the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow-Yerevan, Scientific Secretary.
  • 2002 to present - Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University, Yerevan, Member of the Academic Council.
  • 2006 – 2010 - Armenian State Economic Institute, Yerevan, Head of the State Examining Board.
  • 1999 – 2007 - State Engineering University of Armenia, Yerevan, Member of Guardians’ Council.
  • 2006 to present - Scientific Methodological Council on Economics of Educational Methodological Association of Classical University Education, Moscow, Russian Federation, Member of Scientific-Methodological Board.
  • 2001–2006 - State Engineering University of Armenia, Yerevan, Chairman of the Alumni Association.
  • 2006 – 2011 - State Engineering University of Armenia, Yerevan, Member of the Council of the Alumni Association.
  • 2001–2005 - State Engineering University of Armenia, Yerevan, Chairman of the State Examination Commission.
  • 2003 to present - Journal “Vestnik (Humanitarian and Social sciences)” of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, Yerevan, Member of Editorial Board.
  • 2006 to present - Journal “Collection of scientific articles” of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, Yerevan, Member of Editorial Board.
  • 2007 to present - Journal “Information Technologies and Management”, Yerevan, Member of Editorial Board.
  • 2009 to present - Journal “Izvestia” of the Urals State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, RF, Member of Editorial Board.
  • 2009 to present - Journal “Manager” of the Urals State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, RF, Member of International Board.
  • 2010 to present - Journal of Economic Regulation, Rostov-Don, RF, Member of Editorial Board.
  • 2010 to present - Journal “EFI: Economics, finance, research”, Astana, Kazakhstan, Member of Editorial Board.
  • 2011 to present - Journal “Eurasian Economic Review”, Astana, Kazakhstan, Member of Editorial Board.
  • 2008 to present - “Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists” Association, Astana, Kazakhstan, Member of Coordinating Board.
  • 2006 to present - Central & Eastern European University Network, An international network of applied research on transitions, Rome, Italy, Member of Scientific Referents Board: Finance, Banking, Insurance and Monetary Policies.
  • 2006 to present - Journal “Transition Studies Review”, Springer, Vienna, Austria, Member of Editorial Board.
  • 2005–2006 - Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation-Armenia, Yerevan, Project Director, Credit system implementation in joint educational program of RAU and SEUA “Economic Informatics and Information technologies”.
  • 2006–2008 - Central Bank-Armenia, Yerevan, Senior Expert of the project, Study of the competitiveness and financial resource management systems of enterprises.
  • 2012–2013 - RGSF RF, State Committee of Science of RA (thematic funding), Scientific co-supervisor of the research paper “Macroeconomic modeling of the Russian and Armenian economies"
  • 2012–2014 - TEMPUS- IV “UNIMIG” , Supervisor of the project implemented at the RAU "Migration and Higher Education: Building Skills and Capacities"
  • 2013–2014 - State Committee of Science of RA (thematic funding), Scientific supervisor of the research paper “Modernization of the system of regulation of financial intermediary institutions in Armenia”

  • XVII International Economic Forum, Krynica,September 5–8, 2007, Panel moderator “Future of banking sectors in transition countries and European financial integration”
  • XVIII International Economic Forum, Krynica,September 10–13, 2008, Panel moderator “Development of Financial Sector in the Post-Soviet Countries in the Context of the EU Integration”
  • XIX International Economic Forum, Krynica,September 9–12, 2009, Panel moderator “Time after the Crisis: Problems of the Financial Markets Modernization in Countries under Transition"
  • XXI International Economic Forum, Krynica,September 7–9, 2011, Panel commentator “Does the Sovereign Crisis in the Euro Zone Necessitate a Change of the Role Rating Agencies Should Play on the Market?”
  • International Students` Scientific Conference “The Perspectives of the integration of South Caucasus region to European Area in the XX century” // Caucasus University, Tbilisi, Georgia, May 2012, Co-Organizer
  • Annual scientific conferences of Russian-Armenian University (Slavonic), December 2006 – 2013, Organizer, moderator and participant of economy sector
  • Eurasian Youth Economic Forum // Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, May–June 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Co-Organizer
  • Astana Economic Forum // Astana, Kazakhstan, June -July 2008 – 2015, Participant
  • Gaidar reading on the topic: "Russia and Armenia: the lessons of reform" // Russian – Armenian (Slavonic) university, Armenia, April 18, 2013 – April 19, 2013, Co-Organizer, participant
  • CEEMAN Annual Conference // Tbilis – Bled, Georgia – Slovenia, September 2011, 2012, 2013, Participant
  • Postgraduate forum dedicated to the 10th anniversary of doctoral programmes at RAU "Modern Science: trends, problems and prospects", September 23–25, 2013,Yerevan, Co-Organizer
  • International scientific-practical conference on “Modern Issues of the Innovative Economy in the Developing Countries”, October 17–18, 2013, RAU, Yerevan, Organizer and participant
  • Round table "Actual problems of maintenance of Eurasian security", June 11, 2014, Yerevan-Yekaterinburg-Moscow, Participant and Co-Organizer
  • The Armenian Economic Association 2014 annual meetings (AEA), June 20–23, 2014, Yerevan, Co-Organizer
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF), Governor – Republic of Armenia
  • World Bank, Governor – Republic of Armenia
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Country Delegation Head – Republic of Armenia
  • “Armenia” Pan-Armenian Fund, Yerevan, Member of Guardians’ Council
  • International Association of Exchanges of CIS countries, Moscow, Member of the Council
  • UNDP, UNDP National Expert
  • In 2002–2005, participated in the implementation of programs funded by the “Eurasia” Foundation; Armenian-European Policy and Legal Advice Centre (AEPLAC) and Cambridge-Yerevan Sister City Association and the US Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs as Expert and Consultant
  • In 2004–2005 Sandoyan was participating in the fundamental research works, won by tender in the framework of Federal target programs of the Ministry of education and science of RF in the field of concept elaboration for transition countries financial market development
  • “Financial Banking College” Foundation, Yerevan, Member of Guardians’ Council
  • “Management: Theory & Practice” Journal, Member of Editorial Board
  • “Economics” Science Magazine, Member of Editorial Board
  • Chairman and member of several Armenian Government Committees, Chairman of the Central Bank of Armenian Licensing and Sanctions Commissions, Chairman of the Republic of Armenia State Tax Inspection Complaints Committee, Chairman of the State Examination Commission at the Yerevan State Institute of Economics, etc.

    Past Activities

  • International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Governor - Republic of Armenia
  • World Bank - Governor - Republic of Armenia
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) - Head of the Country Delegation– Republic of Armenia
  • “Armenia” Pan-Armenian Fund - Member of the Board of Trustees
  • International Association of Exchanges of CIS Countries, Moscow - Member of the Council
  • UNDP National Expert
  • In 2002-2005 participated in the implementation of programmes funded by the “Eurasia” Foundation; Armenian-European Policy and Legal Advice Centre (AEPLAC), Cambridge-Yerevan Sister City Association, and the US Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs as an Expert and Consultant
  • In 2004-2005 was academic supervisor of the fundamental research works, won by tender in the framework of Federal Target Programmes at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the field of establishing concepts of financial markets development in the countries with transition economy
  • “Financial Banking College” Foundation - Member of the Board of Trustees
  • “Management: Theory and Practice” Journal - Member of Editorial Board
  • “Economics” Science Magazine - Member of Editorial Board
  • Also: Chairman and member of several Armenian Government Committees, Chairman of the Central Bank of Armenia Licensing and Sanctions Commissions, Chairman of the Republic of Armenia State Tax Inspection Complaints Committee, Chairman of the State Examination Commission at the Armenian State University of Economics, and other


  • May, 2016 - the Seminar Series in Innovative Growth, Environment, Human Capital, International Policies and Governance - Lecturer: President of the Transition Studies Research Network, Member of the Silk Road Think Tank Association, Professor Giorgio Dominese
  • May, 2016 - Advanced training in "Economic Theory, Economic Reality, and Economic Policy" Lecturer: Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific adviser at the Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor Dmitry Sorokin
  • 1996-1997 - Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
  • Bank of England, London, UK
  • Banque de France, Paris, France
  • De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 1983-1984 - Institute of Economics and Planning under the Department of Public Planning of the Russian Federation, Moscow
  • References

    Edward Sandoyan Wikipedia

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