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Provence-Alpes-Cote dAzur

Max Piselli

Draguignan is a commune in the Var department in the Provence-Alpes-Cote dAzur region, in southeastern France.


Map of Draguignan

It is a sub-prefecture of the department and self-proclaimed "capital of Artillery" and "Porte du Verdon".

The city is 42 km (26 mi) from St. Tropez, and 80 km (50 mi) from Nice.

Parkour hiver 20082009 draguignanfrejus


Draguignan Beautiful Landscapes of Draguignan

The elevation is 200 m. The highest hill near Draguignan is Malmont (551 m). The main river near Draguignan is the Nartuby.

Draguignan Beautiful Landscapes of Draguignan

The city is set in a valley NW-SE, about 2 km (1 mi) wide.


Draguignan in the past, History of Draguignan
  • The name of Draguignan (“Dragonianum”) appeared for the first time in 909.
  • During the Middle-Ages, Draguignan was a small village whose people lived from olive and grape cultivation.
  • Draguignan became the “prefecture” of the Var in 1790, at the beginning of the French Revolution. This was despite the town by far not being the biggest city in the department. It remained the seat of the prefecture until 1974.
  • In the 19th century and during a large part of the 20th century, the people of Draguignan (in French: “Dracenois”, in English: “Draceners”) voted for liberal parties (Radical-Socialist Party, Socialist Party).
  • The town was occupied by the Wehrmacht in 1942-44 and freed in August 1944, after Operation Dragoon.
  • The city welcomed the “Ecole nationale dartillerie” (Artillery School) in 1976, then the “Ecole nationale dinfanterie” (Infantry School) in 2010. The arrival of the military involved the development of the city : the small town became a city in the second part of the 20th century : 13 400 citizens in 1954, 33 000 in 2000, 38 000 in 2010.
  • On June 15, 2010, the city was flooded. Torrential rain caused the deaths of 12 people in the town and 25 in the neighborhoods.
  • Major attractions

  • Museum of Artillery (Napoleonic wars, World War I, World War II, Indochina, etc.)
  • Museum of "Arts et traditions populaires"
  • Rhone American Cemetery and Memorial (American WWII cemetery) (see operation Dragoon)
  • The Eglise St Michel
  • Eglise Notre-Dame du Peuple
  • The Dolmen Pierre de la fee (fairys Stone), also known as the fruit rock.
  • References

    Draguignan Wikipedia (,),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),)

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